The Three Musketeers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Three Musketeers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Count tells Lady de Winter that she is to remain where, and wait for further instructions?
(a) In the convent.
(b) At a nearby hotel.
(c) In a nearby tavern.
(d) At a nearby castle.

2. Where does Felton leave Lady de Winter so that he can avenge her?
(a) At Plymouth.
(b) At Portsmouth.
(c) At Pyrennes.
(d) At Planksburg.

3. How does Lady de Winter kill Madame Bonancieux?
(a) Stabbing.
(b) Poison.
(c) Hanging.
(d) Choking.

4. Where does Lord de Winter send Felton when he realizes Lady de Winter corrupts him?
(a) To his house in France.
(b) To Spain.
(c) On an errand.
(d) Out as a messenger.

5. What does Lady de Winter entice a man to steal from a church?
(a) Sacred texts.
(b) Holy vessels.
(c) Paintings.
(d) Money.

6. One of the men who tries to shoot d'Artagnan while on a mission with him is carrying a letter saying that Madame Bonancieux is where?
(a) In a convent.
(b) In Spain.
(c) In France.
(d) In a prison.

7. Athos thinks that the meeting with Madame Bonancieux and the carriage is what?
(a) Ridiculous.
(b) A trap.
(c) Absurd.
(d) A ruse.

8. How does Lady de Winter pretend to commit suicide?
(a) Hanging.
(b) Jumping from a window.
(c) Poisoning herself.
(d) Slicing her wrists.

9. How many seedy-looking men follow the regiments when they leave Paris?
(a) Two.
(b) Five.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

10. What is the name of the soldier who tries to kill d'Artagnan but is now helping Planchet?
(a) Brisemont.
(b) Bullient.
(c) Burlington.
(d) Bushman.

11. Lady de Winter is thinning while she is captured. Who does she blame for her problems?
(a) The cardinal.
(b) d'Artagnan.
(c) Lord de Winter.
(d) Athos.

12. Where is Aramis' seamstress when she writes a letter to the four friends?
(a) Paris.
(b) Tours.
(c) Versaille.
(d) Antilles.

13. Who asks the others to give the excuse that he goes ahead to clear the way, so that he can leave the tavern without the cardinal?
(a) Aramis.
(b) Porthos.
(c) Athos.
(d) d'Artagnan.

14. Who does Athos send to Armentieres?
(a) Lord de Winter.
(b) d'Artagnan.
(c) The four valets.
(d) Aramis and Porthos.

15. The friends decide their best course of action to stop Lady de Winter is to send two messages. Who gets the second message?
(a) The queen.
(b) M. de Treville.
(c) The king.
(d) M. Bonancieux.

Short Answer Questions

1. The room that the Musketeers stay in, while guarding the cardinal, is having what replaced?

2. What does Lady de Winter sing while she is being held captive?

3. What does Lord de Winter order the captain of her ship to do if she talks to anyone?

4. Where does Lady de Winter tell the Count that she will wait for him?

5. Lord de Winter tells Felton things that makes Lady de Winter seem to be what?

(see the answer keys)

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