Three to Get Deadly Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Three to Get Deadly Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What key does Stephanie search the apartment for and find?
(a) The key to the safety deposit box.
(b) The key to Mo's apartment.
(c) The key to the candy store.
(d) The key to Mo's car.

2. What does Vinnie tell Stephanie to do to open up a break in the Uncle Mo case?
(a) Break into the candy shop and look around.
(b) Stake out his home until he finds him.
(c) Check out the neighborhood restaurant
(d) Find Uncle Mo's boyfriend.

3. What does Stephanie feel that Morelli is pretending?
(a) That he isn't going to arrest her.
(b) That he believes her story about the murder.
(c) That he and Stephanie have never been intimate.
(d) That he is helping her.

4. What does Morelli do as his job?
(a) Bail bondsman.
(b) Warden.
(c) Prostitute.
(d) Cop.

5. How does Mo get away?
(a) He gets on the bus.
(b) He takes Stephanie's truck.
(c) He runs down the street.
(d) He steals Ranger's car.

6. What was Lula's former profession?
(a) Secretary.
(b) Policeman.
(c) Prostitute.
(d) Fast food clerk.

7. What advice does Morelli give Stephanie?
(a) To carry protection.
(b) To be more careful.
(c) To stay away from Joyce.
(d) To drop the case.

8. Why does Stephanie sneak out of her parent's house before dessert?
(a) She hears a van driving up toward the house.
(b) She got a lead on where to find Stuart.
(c) Her father embarrassed her in front of Morelli.
(d) Morelli was invited to dinner.

9. What does Stephanie notice when she wakes up?
(a) She is wearing different clothes.
(b) She is not in the candy store anymore.
(c) She sees many policemen looking at her.
(d) She is lying in a pool of blood.

10. Where do Stephanie and Lula find Jackie's car?
(a) Outside of the mall.
(b) Parked down by a high end apartment building.
(c) In the river.
(d) At the bail bonds office.

11. What does Stephanie's mother think she will start getting?
(a) The bad meat at the butcher's shop.
(b) A bad reputation in the community.
(c) Outraged phone calls from people.
(d) Hate mail from people.

12. Which word describes how Stephanie feels when she is around Morelli and Mary Lou's children?
(a) Uncomfortable.
(b) Insecure.
(c) Relaxed.
(d) Overwhelmed.

13. What information does Stephanie find out about Stuart?
(a) He left the state.
(b) He has a girlfriend.
(c) His car blew up.
(d) He quit his job.

14. What neighborhood does Stephanie decide to start checking out?
(a) One that was known for having many gay residents.
(b) One that Uncle Mo lived in when he was a child.
(c) One known for drugs and sex for sale.
(d) One that was filled with restaurants.

15. What do the men in ski masks do to Stephanie?
(a) Tied her up and took away the key to the candy store.
(b) Shot a gun out of the window and told her to stop looking for Mo.
(c) Tried to run her down in the parking lot.
(d) Offer her an envelope full of money to stop looking for Mo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Morelli tell Stephanie he has wanted to do all along?

2. What does Morelli ask Stephanie about Mo?

3. Where does Stephanie stop before she takes Jackie to rehab?

4. Who calls Stephanie in the middle of the night?

5. Who is Stephanie's boss?

(see the answer keys)

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