Three Men in a Boat: To Say Nothing of the Dog Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Three Men in a Boat: To Say Nothing of the Dog Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do the men not reach Magna Charta when they planned?
(a) The island doesn't actually exist.
(b) It is too far, and they are tired.
(c) Their map is wrong.
(d) Their boat runs out of gas.

2. Why does J. have trouble sleeping near Picnic Point?
(a) He keeps thinking of his childhood.
(b) He can't get comfortable.
(c) Coyotes are nearby.
(d) He is sick.

3. What makes setting up the boat for sleeping take so long?
(a) The blankets have bugs in them that need to be picked out.
(b) The air mattress has a hole in it.
(c) The tents keep collapsing.
(d) The hoops and canvas don't fit.

4. What is the group's original goal for Magna Charta Island?
(a) They just want to drift by it slowly so they can check it out from their boat.
(b) They want to spend a few days there.
(c) It's where they've planned to end their voyage.
(d) They want to camp there.

5. What signals finally allow George and J. to find Harris the night they go to Henley?
(a) Police sirens and the light of flames.
(b) The sound of waves crashing up against the boat.
(c) Montmorency barking and a light.
(d) The terrible sound of Harris singing and playing the banjo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What historic document was signed at Manga Charta Island?

2. Who finally ends up helping George find a place to sleep when he first visits Datchet?

3. What does J. notice changes a man's outlook as the group rests near Picnic Point?

4. How does Montmorency react to the animal he tries to attack?

5. Why did George stop in Datchet one night before his journey with his friends?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does J. complain about sarcastically concerning the problem with being towed?

2. What does George decide to do once he realizes he cannot go back to sleep the night his watch stops working?

3. After George's watch stops working, what does the policeman do when George asks him for the time?

4. Why does J.'s ode to night at the end of Chapter 10 seem so out of character?

5. What does J. think about rowing on the sea?

6. How does Montmorency burn himself the night everyone makes stew?

7. What kind of scene is J. reminded of when he thinks of King Henry courting Anne Boleyn on Magna Charta Island?

8. What does J.'s friend miscalculate with the punt when they are boating together?

9. Why does J. have to pay a lot of money after he and some friends rent a sailboat on a windy day?

10. What kinds of complaints does J. have about steam-powered boats?

(see the answer keys)

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