Three Men in a Boat: To Say Nothing of the Dog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Three Men in a Boat: To Say Nothing of the Dog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to J. when he gets on the train after telling his story while the men decide which food to bring?
(a) All the other passengers leave him alone.
(b) He makes money selling food to hungry passengers.
(c) Everyone wants some of his food.
(d) His food is stolen.

2. How do Harris and J. respond to the accusation that they are trespassing?
(a) They pretend they are lawyers so that the man leaves them alone.
(b) They take the man's word for it but refuse to move.
(c) They move immediately.
(d) They beat up the man accusing them.

3. What does the story of the shop in a former house prompt J. to think about?
(a) How people always seem to end up with what they do not want.
(b) How money can't buy happiness.
(c) How there's nothing like a place to call home.
(d) How important women are to making a place look nice.

4. Why do the people in the boat often want the attention of the person pulling the tow line?
(a) Everyone wants a chance to pull.
(b) People play a game of trying to get the most attention.
(c) Something has gone wrong.
(d) It is customary to tease them.

5. Where do the men make a pile of everything they want to pack?
(a) In the backyard.
(b) In the center of the room.
(c) In the garage.
(d) In the town square.

6. Who accidentally sits on the butter as the men are packing?
(a) Harris.
(b) The dog.
(c) J.
(d) George.

7. What does the group do with the initial list of items to bring?
(a) They keep it as a souvenir.
(b) They end up fighting over it so much that it is torn into pieces.
(c) They nail it to the boat.
(d) They throw it out.

8. What is distinct about the house in Kingston which J. tells a story about?
(a) The owner has covered the walls with wallpaper.
(b) It has a large, beautiful staircase.
(c) All of these answers are correct.
(d) There is a lot of carved oak present in the house.

9. Which characters are initially in favor of camping during the trip?
(a) George, Harris, and J.
(b) Harris and George.
(c) George and J.
(d) J. and Harris.

10. Kingston is known for being ___________________.
(a) A large battle that was fought there between the French and the German.
(b) The largest port city in England.
(c) The former royal seat of the Saxon kings.
(d) A large battle that was fought there between the French and the Irish.

11. Whom do the men blame for oversleeping?
(a) The dog.
(b) The alarm clock.
(c) Each other.
(d) The maid.

12. Who wishes that he hadn't packed his tobacco pouch so soon?
(a) George.
(b) J.
(c) Harris.
(d) Their river guide.

13. Who brings up the idea of inclement weather when the group is trying to decide if they should camp or sleep at inns during their trip?
(a) George.
(b) Harris.
(c) The dog.
(d) J.

14. What do men usually wear when going to a lock?
(a) Swimsuits.
(b) Walking shorts.
(c) Silk suits.
(d) Bright colored blazers and straw hats.

15. What does "J." stand for?
(a) Jeremy.
(b) Jerome.
(c) Jason.
(d) Jordan.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what city is there a hedge maze?

2. What usually happens when Harris tries to sing songs at parties?

3. In what year was "Three Men in a Boat" published?

4. Who starts teasing the men as they get their luggage ready to go?

5. What does Harris offer the man who accuses him of trespassing?

(see the answer keys)

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