Three Famous Short Novels Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Three Famous Short Novels Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following characters believes he has squandered close-range shots when he comes face-to-face with Old Ben?

2. In what season of the year does the young boy spend hunting Old Ben?

3. How do the Cajun man and the convict split the earnings from their hunting catches?

4. How old must the young boy be before he will be allowed to go hunting with the men?

5. What type of animal kills Major de Spain's animal in the night?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the reaction from the townsfolk when news spreads that both Old Ben and Sam are dead?

2. Who is Ash?

3. How does Ike live his life after he decides not to accept his inherited land?

4. What happens in the story when the young boy turns sixteen?

5. How do the hunters learn that Old Ben is not an indestructible force of nature?

6. What is the reaction from the government when the tall convict turns himself in?

7. What does Ike claim is the curse that has landed in the South?

8. What happens when the convict meets the woman of his dreams at a refugee camp?

9. Who does Ike visit with as he rides through the woods one last time?

10. How did Ash attempt to outshine Ike as children, and what was the result of his attempt?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

One of the strongest themes in the story "The Old Man" is the theme of fear, particularly the fears of the tall convict. First, create a list of fears that the tall prisoner has. Then, choose one of those fears and explain how the fear affects the relationships he forms in his life. Finally, explain whether or not the convict conquers this fear in the story and how he does so. If he doesn't conquer this fear, explain how the convict lets the fear overtake his life. Be sure to include at least two examples from the text that you believe help strengthen your arguments.

Essay Topic 2

In the opening of "The Old Man", the readers meet two convicts that are serving time for various crimes. First, describe the crimes of the fat convict and compare / contrast those crimes with the crimes of the tall convict. What is the same about their crimes? What is different? Then, explain why each of these men is actually in prison and what their reactions to their sentences are. What message do you think Faulkner is sending his readers about guilt and punishment through the example of these two convicts?

Essay Topic 3

In the story "Spotted Horses", there are three different types of con men introduced to the reader: the sewing machine agent, Flem Snopes, and Hipps. First, describe why each of these three characters could be considered a conman. Then, describe which of these three characters should be considered the most dangerous type of conman and explain what the outcome of their cons were on the small Mississippi town. Be sure to include at least two examples from the text that you believe help strengthen your arguments.

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