Three by Flannery O'Connor: Wise Blood ; the Violent Bear It Away ; Everything That Rises Must Converge Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Three by Flannery O'Connor: Wise Blood ; the Violent Bear It Away ; Everything That Rises Must Converge Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who buried Mason's body?
(a) Francis Tarwater.
(b) Mason's body was never recovered.
(c) Buford Munson.
(d) George Rayber.

2. What crime had Mason committed leading to his incarceration in the mental institution?
(a) Murder.
(b) Vandalism.
(c) Kidnap.
(d) Theft.

3. According to Meeks, what does H.L.L stand for?
(a) Help Lead Love.
(b) Heaven Listens Last.
(c) Hold Love Longingly.
(d) Hard Lessons Learned.

4. Where does the first truck driver tell Francis he belongs when he drops him off at the side of the road?
(a) The Crazy Shack.
(b) The Booby Hatch.
(c) The Nut House.
(d) The Loonie Bin.

5. Why does Lucette ask congregation members for money at the Powderhead Congregational Church?
(a) To pay for Mason's funeral.
(b) To fund a militia.
(c) To pay for her surgery.
(d) For missionary work.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long did Mason Tarwater spend in the mental institution before his release?

2. Which of the following activities does Francis refuse to do while he is living with Rayber?

3. What type of bushes completely overtook Mason's house and yard?

4. Why did Mason kidnap Francis?

5. Which of the following characters shouted these words: "The prophet I raise up out of this boy will burn your eyes clean!" ?

Short Essay Questions

1. What type of interaction does Francis have with the first truck driver that picks him up from the side of the road?

2. What type of interaction does Francis have with the second driver that picks him up from the side of the road?

3. What is Francis' reaction when he figures out that Rayber has followed him to the religious revival?

4. How did George Rayber go deaf?

5. Who is Francis' "stranger" who is later referred to as his "friend"?

6. Why was Mason Tarwater admitted into a mental institution, and how did he get out?

7. How did Francis Tarwater come to live with his great-uncle Mason?

8. How did George Rayber come to live with his uncle, Mason?

9. What event at the science museum jars Rayber into remembering his own religious childhood?

10. How was Mason Tarwater buried?

(see the answer keys)

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