Three by Flannery O'Connor: Wise Blood ; the Violent Bear It Away ; Everything That Rises Must Converge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Three by Flannery O'Connor: Wise Blood ; the Violent Bear It Away ; Everything That Rises Must Converge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What sin causes Motes to fill his shoes in Taulkinham?
(a) Theft.
(b) Murder.
(c) Blasphemy.
(d) Fornication.

2. How did Asa Hawks become blind?
(a) He blinded himself.
(b) He was poisoned.
(c) He was born blind.
(d) He had an accident with a slingshot.

3. What does Enoch Emory believe is "the new Jesus"?
(a) A mummy.
(b) A gorilla.
(c) A baby.
(d) A puppy.

4. What is the name of Motes' hometown?
(a) Northrod.
(b) Eastrod.
(c) Westrod.
(d) Southrod.

5. Where does Enoch Emory work?
(a) At the library.
(b) At the zoo.
(c) At the museum.
(d) At the pool.

6. Who collects Motes' government checks after he blinds himself?
(a) Enoch.
(b) Mrs. Watts.
(c) Sabbath.
(d) Asa Hawks.

7. How long did Hazel Motes spend in the military before returning home?
(a) 4 years.
(b) 6 years.
(c) 8 years.
(d) 2 years.

8. How is Motes' car destroyed?
(a) It is blown up.
(b) It is pushed over a cliff.
(c) It is smashed in a crash.
(d) It is set on fire by an arsonist.

9. What is the name of the church that Motes preaches for?
(a) The Church without Communion.
(b) The Church without Sin.
(c) The Church without Love.
(d) The Church without Christ.

10. How is Sabbath related to Asa?
(a) Asa is her father.
(b) Asa is her brother.
(c) Asa is her son.
(d) Asa is her uncle.

11. On his first night back at home, where does Motes sleep?
(a) In the kitchen.
(b) In the bathroom.
(c) In the basement.
(d) In the bedroom.

12. Which of the following adjectives best describes the sleeping berth where Motes sleeps on his way home from the military?
(a) Claustrophobic.
(b) Cold.
(c) Crowded.
(d) Comfortable.

13. Outside which building does Motes typically preach his sermons?
(a) The cathedral.
(b) The library.
(c) The movie theater.
(d) The elementary school.

14. How long has it been since Motes drove a car before purchasing his new car in Taulkinham?
(a) Five years.
(b) Motes has never driven a car.
(c) Two years.
(d) Ten years.

15. What is the only item of furniture left in Motes' home when he arrives there?
(a) A kitchen table.
(b) A mirror.
(c) An armoire.
(d) A couch.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Emory do with his own clothes while he is wearing the Gonga outfit?

2. Why does the pitchman become angry with the young girl accompanying the blind preacher?

3. At what time of day does Motes reach his old homestead after serving time in the military?

4. As a young boy, what did Motes want to be when he grew up?

5. What type of car does Motes buy in Taulkinham?

(see the answer keys)

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