Three by Flannery O'Connor: Wise Blood ; the Violent Bear It Away ; Everything That Rises Must Converge Essay Topics & Writing Assignments

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Three by Flannery O'Connor: Wise Blood ; the Violent Bear It Away ; Everything That Rises Must Converge Essay Topics & Writing Assignments

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Three by Flannery O'Connor: Wise Blood ; the Violent Bear It Away ; Everything That Rises Must Converge Lesson Plans

Essay Topic 1

Redemption is something that is extremely important to Motes throughout the entirety of the story "Wise Blood." First, explain what it meant to Motes to be "redeemed" when he was growing up. Then, compare / contrast the redemption Motes knew as a child to the redemption he knew as an adult. How did the idea of redemption fuel Motes' attitude toward religion in his adult life? How did Motes feel about redemption in the moments before he himself died? Be sure to include examples from the text to strengthen your arguments.

Essay Topic 2

Many of the characters in the story "Wise Blood" have extreme relationships with religion, and religion is easily corrupted by the characters of this story. First, describe the type of religion Motes grew up with as a child. Then, compare / contrast that religion to the religion he started as an adult. Then, choose one...

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