The Thorn Birds Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thorn Birds Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What attacks Stuart?
(a) A bear.
(b) A dingo.
(c) A python.
(d) A wild boar.

2. Before returning for the funerals of Paddy and Stuart, when was the last time Father Ralph was at Drogheda?
(a) When he officiated at the funeral of Mary Carson.
(b) When he set up a trust fund for Meggie.
(c) When he talked to Fiona about Meggie.
(d) When he discussed Frank with Paddy.

3. What is Ralph's role with the Cleary family?
(a) He provides transportation to them for errands.
(b) He loans them money to tide them over.
(c) He is more of a close family friend than a priest.
(d) He takes on a father role with the twins.

4. What does Fiona's father give Paddy?
(a) Money to buy a farm.
(b) A herd of sheep.
(c) A new car.
(d) A share in the family farm.

5. Why does Mary Carson prefer to remain a widow?
(a) If she remarries, all of her wealth becomes her husband's.
(b) She will have to leave her home.
(c) Paddy will be jealous.
(d) She cannot find anyone she loves.

6. Where will Jims and Patsy go with the inheritance from Mary Carson?
(a) To visit Frank.
(b) To a boarding school in Sydney when they turn twelve.
(c) To live with Father Ralph.
(d) To see Fiona's family.

7. What does Mary Carson have difficulty keeping?
(a) Her bills paid.
(b) A doctor's appointment.
(c) A date with the town doctor.
(d) A station manager.

8. What are the twins' nicknames?
(a) Jims and Patsy.
(b) Ralphie and Mickey.
(c) A.C. and Patty.
(d) Jimmy and C.C.

9. Where do the Cleary children attend school?
(a) Sacred Heart Convent School.
(b) The corner school.
(c) Lord of the Outback Elementary.
(d) Wahine Elementary.

10. Why does Paddy Cleary move to New South Wales?
(a) Father Ralph is the best priest in that area.
(b) Fiona's family wants her to be closer to them.
(c) Mary Carson is very ill.
(d) Drogheda is promised to him upon his sister's death.

11. When Fiona is bedridden with her latest pregnancy, who is her greatest helper?
(a) Harold.
(b) Frank.
(c) Paddy.
(d) Meggie.

12. Who asks Father Ralph to check on Frank's condition?
(a) Paddy.
(b) Meggie.
(c) Jims.
(d) Fiona.

13. Why do Paddy and Frank have so many conflicts?
(a) There is so much work to do and both are stressed.
(b) Frank is not Paddy's biological son.
(c) Paddy feels that Frank is too protective of Meggie.
(d) Fiona favors Frank over Paddy.

14. Which of the following characters is not very fond of Meggie?
(a) Sister Agatha.
(b) Sister Margaret.
(c) Miss Appleton.
(d) Mrs. Carson.

15. How many days does the fire burn before the rains come?
(a) Five days.
(b) One day.
(c) Three days.
(d) Seven days.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mary Carson is jealous of which character?

2. Who does Paddy work for before his marriage?

3. What does Father Ralph make Fiona promise him?

4. What color is Meggie's party dress?

5. What does Frank do after he hears reports about him and Paddy?

(see the answer keys)

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