This Mournable Body Test | Final Test - Easy

Tsitsi Dangarembga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

This Mournable Body Test | Final Test - Easy

Tsitsi Dangarembga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is one of the domestic workers who will help Tambu at her new home in Chapter 15?
(a) Ma'Tabitha.
(b) Mai Manyanga.
(c) Mai Taka.
(d) Mrs. May.

2. Why does Nyasha's daughter tell Nyasha that her brother Panashe does not want to go to school?
(a) Because his teacher hits the children.
(b) Because he thinks it is too expensive.
(c) Because he does not know his lessons.
(d) Because the other children bully him.

3. What idea does Tracey put to Tambu in Chapter 18 for her own brand?
(a) Tracey wants Tambu to lead tours to Mozambique.
(b) Tracey wants Tambu to lead tours to Egypt.
(c) Tracey wants Tambu to lead tours to war-torn areas.
(d) Tracey wants Tambu to lead tours to rural Zimbabwe, and even her own homestead village.

4. What does Leon tell Nyasha their children want in Chapter 13?
(a) To change schools.
(b) New bicycles.
(c) A mother, not a workshop facilitator.
(d) To go back to Germany.

5. What does Tambu do with the gift her mother has sent her in Chapter 17?
(a) Eats it.
(b) Scatters it across her house and then buries it in her garden.
(c) Burns it.
(d) Gives it away.

6. What is Part 3 of the book called?
(a) Reveling.
(b) Arriving.
(c) Ravenous.
(d) Reckoning.

7. What does Tambu's mother call out for at the end of Chapter 19?
(a) Air, because she feels she is being suffocated.
(b) Water, because she is parched.
(c) Help, because she is being beaten by Tambu's father.
(d) Money, because she is so poor.

8. Who runs a dress shop near Tambu's office?
(a) Mai May.
(b) Mai Taka.
(c) Mai Moetsabi.
(d) Mai Manyanga.

9. Why is Mai Taka's husband upset that she is going to the movies with Nyasha's family?
(a) He thinks she should get a different job.
(b) He thinks she should move back to Europe.
(c) They had plans themselves that she forgot about.
(d) He accuses Mai Taka of thinking she belongs to another family.

10. What kind of promotion does Tambu receive in Chapter 18?
(a) She becomes a tour supervisor.
(b) She becomes head accountant.
(c) She becomes a senior advertising director.
(d) She becomes head legal advisor.

11. When is Africa Day?
(a) May 30.
(b) May 25.
(c) April 15.
(d) April 20.

12. Why are the Swedish tourists in Chapter 22 disappointed with the breakfast?
(a) They say it has made them sick.
(b) All the food is unfamiliar to them.
(c) They say it is cold.
(d) They feel it is not authentically Zimbabwean.

13. What does Tracey decide to do about the mambo in Tambu's home village?
(a) She will put her on a retainer.
(b) She will drive her out of town with rumors.
(c) She will find a job for her in Europe.
(d) She will get her a higher position in Harare.

14. What does Tambu do with the money she had planned on spending on Elizabeth?
(a) She pays Nyasha back with it.
(b) She donates it to charity.
(c) She spends it on herself.
(d) She gives it to her own mother.

15. What kind of car does Tambu get from her job?
(a) A purple Mazda.
(b) A white truck.
(c) A black BMW.
(d) A red Corvette.

Short Answer Questions

1. What phrase is used to mean enticing someone to do what you would like them to do in Chapter 20?

2. What is Tambu dismayed to find on her kitchen table in Chapter 17?

3. What gift does Tambu bring for her mother in Chapter 20?

4. Who is the chairperson of the Women's Club?

5. What does Pedzi call Tambu at the end of Chapter 18?

(see the answer keys)

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