This Mournable Body Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tsitsi Dangarembga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

This Mournable Body Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tsitsi Dangarembga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one of the questions the voice asks Tambu in Chapter 9?
(a) What the date is.
(b) How much money she makes.
(c) Who she is spying for.
(d) Where her mother is.

2. What does Tambu notice about Mai Manyanga that is different in the first part of Chapter 5?
(a) Her leg is in a cast.
(b) She walks with a crutch.
(c) She has a black eye.
(d) Her arm is in a sling.

3. Who does Widow Riley think Tambu is in Chapter 10?
(a) Her mother Ellie.
(b) Her niece Eileen.
(c) Her daughter Edie.
(d) Her sister Ellen.

4. Who is the only man in the house Tambu moves into in Chapter 4?
(a) Leon.
(b) Larky.
(c) Mako.
(d) Shine.

5. What is Christine's nickname?
(a) Chris.
(b) Kiri.
(c) Tina.
(d) Chrissy.

6. What publication does the hostel matron routinely complete the crossword in?
(a) The Zimbabwe Clarion.
(b) The Zimbabwe Record.
(c) The Harare Herald.
(d) The Virginia Pilot.

7. What crime does Shine commit in Mai Manyanga's house?
(a) Murder.
(b) Robbery.
(c) Rape.
(d) Selling drugs.

8. What happens to Gertrude that sets off the mob's anger in Chapter 2?
(a) She trips getting into the bus and embarrassingly exposes herself.
(b) She drops her money on the ground.
(c) She yells racial epithets at Tambu.
(d) She berates the bus driver.

9. Who does Tambu encounter at the mental health institution that surprises her?
(a) Nyasha.
(b) The Widow Riley.
(c) Mai Manyanga.
(d) Her old neighbor Bertha.

10. Who works as a domestic employee for Nyasha?
(a) Mai Taka.
(b) Mai Mainini.
(c) Mai Anesu.
(d) Mai Guru.

11. What does the woman who knocks on Tambu's window in Chapter 6 end up doing?
(a) Shoving a letter under Shine's door.
(b) Leaving a baby in a basket on the front stoop.
(c) Stripping naked in the front yard and calling for Shine to come out.
(d) Threatening to hurt herself.

12. How does the woman Tambu is asking for accommodation in Chapter 3 refer to her own dead husband?
(a) Mr. Miyagi.
(b) VaManyanga.
(c) Mr. Leonya.
(d) VaLeonya.

13. What does Tambu's doctor tell Tambu she thinks is one of Tambu's problems?
(a) Tambu has not been home in far too long.
(b) Tambu is too fixated on her appearance.
(c) Tambu is talking too much about her past.
(d) Tambu is hiding from her problems.

14. Who is Nyasha's daughter?
(a) Anesu.
(b) Silence.
(c) Tracey.
(d) Freedom.

15. Which patient at the mental health institution says terribly racist things to the nurses?
(a) Mr. Jones.
(b) Mr. Porter.
(c) Mr. Smith.
(d) Mr. Tenant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Tambu's last name?

2. What does Nyasha encourage Tambu to do that she thinks will make Tambu feel better in Chapter 11?

3. Who is another of Tambu's hostel mates who is angry with her for how she treated Gertrude in Chapter 2?

4. Who is the head of Tambu's new workplace in Chapter 7?

5. What does Tambu put in her tea in very large quantities in Chapter 3?

(see the answer keys)

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