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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the name of the girl Dennis claims likes him?
2. What time of day is it as the play opens?
3. What is the name of the drug dealer Warren tries to call that he can't get a hold of?
4. As the play opens, who owes money to whom?
5. How old is Warren?
Short Essay Questions
1. As they converse about Warren's father and the stolen money, what is Dennis'a attitude toward Warren?
2. What happened to Warren's sister, and how is it significant?
3. What is Dennis's response to Warren's interest in Jessica, and why is it significant?
4. Why does Dennis consider himself independent, and why is it significant?
5. What happens to Valerie's clay sculpture, and how is it significant?
6. Why does Dennis suggest Warren take the money to their friend Christian's house? What is Warren's response?
7. What is the nature of Dennis and Warren's friendship?
8. What brings about the brawl between Dennis and Warren?
9. In the first act of "This Is Our Youth," how do Dennis Ziegler and Warren Straub defy stereotype in terms of their lifestyle and background?
10. What does Warren's father do for a living, and how is it significant?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Compare and contrast Jessica and Warren's relationship with their relationships with their families.
Essay Topic 2
Discuss the role of setting in "This Is Our Youth." When and Where does the play take place? What is the significance of the setting?
Essay Topic 3
What does the title of the play "This Is Our Youth" mean? How does the title influence the tone, characters, and plot of the play?
This section contains 615 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |