This Fiery Trial: The Speeches and Writings of Abraham Lincoln Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

This Fiery Trial: The Speeches and Writings of Abraham Lincoln Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Lincoln thank the recipient of "Not Best to Swap Horses When Crossing Streams" for?
(a) Backing his war spending bill effort.
(b) Backing him about the war.
(c) Backing him for the nomination of the Republican Party.
(d) Backing his favorite candidate to his old congressional seat.

2. When was "Will Be Received and Considered" written?
(a) June 1864.
(b) July 1864.
(c) August 1864.
(d) May 1864.

3. What does Lincoln want in "I Expect to Maintain this Contest"?
(a) More money.
(b) More supplies.
(c) More support from government leaders.
(d) More troops.

4. What did Lincoln tell Hooker not to do in "There is No Eligible Route for Us into Richmond"?
(a) Rest his troops.
(b) Pursue Lee's army.
(c) Take Richmond.
(d) Attack Lee's army.

5. What was Lincoln's number one priority in the war according to "I Would Save the Union"?
(a) Maintaining his legacy.
(b) Saving the Union.
(c) Freeing the slaves.
(d) Humiliating Jefferson Davis.

6. When was the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation issued according to "Shall Be Thenceforth, and Forever Free"?
(a) October 1862.
(b) November 1862.
(c) December1862.
(d) September 1862.

7. When did Lincoln suspend the right of Habeas Corpus according to "The Writ of Habeas Corpus is Suspended" ?
(a) Two weeks before the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.
(b) Two days after the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.
(c) Two days before the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.
(d) Two weeks after the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.

8. What did Lincoln want border states to accept according to "The Incidents of the War Cannot Be Avoided"?
(a) Union rule.
(b) Emancipation.
(c) Radical beliefs.
(d) Suffrage.

9. What did Lincoln support in "It Works Doubly"?
(a) The use of Native American soldiers.
(b) The use of Irish soldiers.
(c) The use of defecting Confederate soldiers.
(d) The use of black soldiers.

10. Who was "A Fair Specimen of What Has Occurred to Me Through Life" intended for?
(a) A soldier.
(b) A political ally.
(c) A housewife.
(d) An actor.

11. What did Lincoln want African Americans to do after the war according to "The Ban is Still Upon You"?
(a) Colonize the Caribbean.
(b) Go west.
(c) Return to Africa.
(d) Go to Texas.

12. Who was in command of the Union armies in April of 1864?
(a) General Sherman.
(b) General Grant.
(c) General McClellan.
(d) General Hooker.

13. Who was "In This Sad World of Ours" for?
(a) A politician who lost a son in the war.
(b) A friend who lost a brother in the war.
(c) A widow whose sons were killed in the war.
(d) A young girl whose father was killed in the war.

14. What happened to white Union commanders leading black soldiers captured by Confederates according to "The Same Protection to All Its Soldiers"?
(a) They were forced to sign confession letters.
(b) They were forced to serve in the Confederate army.
(c) They were sent home.
(d) They were killed.

15. What compelled Lincoln to take the steps leading to war and the Emancipation Proclamation according to "If Slavery is Not Wrong, Nothing is Wrong"?
(a) The view that he thought would have him reelected.
(b) The Constitution.
(c) His personal view.
(d) The view most popular according to a recent survey.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was "The Heaviest Blow Yet Dealt to the Rebellion" intended for?

2. What military objective did Lincoln remind the recipient of "I Am Not Watching You with an Evil-Eye" was vital to the war effort?

3. What was the Wade-Davis bill about?

4. What was General Hooker appointed as at the time of "I Will Risk the Dictatorship"?

5. What were the Unionists calling the army to go easy on according to "Leaving Any Available Card Unplayed"?

(see the answer keys)

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