Thirteen Days; a Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thirteen Days; a Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many destroyers did the U.S. put in Caribbean waters?
(a) 12.
(b) 5.
(c) 25
(d) 1.

2. When the Soviet Union refused to acknowledge the blockade, how often were low level flights conducted over Cuba?
(a) Every two hours.
(b) Once a day.
(c) Every hour.
(d) Five times a day.

3. According to the Afterword, what did victory mean pre-1945?
(a) Elimination of the enemy.
(b) Occupation of another country.
(c) New land to govern.
(d) Disarming the enemy.

4. Who was Tommy Thompson?
(a) Former Ambassador to the Soviet Union.
(b) Secretary of State.
(c) Former Ambassador to Cuba.
(d) Chief of Staff.

5. What was different about the letter received on the morning of October 27th from the letter received October 26th?
(a) More apologetic.
(b) More cooperative.
(c) Less aggressive.
(d) More formal.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many Russian submarines were in the Caribbean after the blockade took effect?

2. Who said, "I am not in an American courtroom, sir, and therefore I do not wish to answer a question that is put to me in the fashion in which a prosecutor puts questions" (58)?

3. According to the afterword, what would choosing nuclear war mean?

4. Robert tells that JFK felt that if what had happened could be considered a triumph, it was only one for who?

5. According to all of the discussions of removing missiles from Cuba, who would oversee the removal to be sure it was done?

Short Essay Questions

1. Khrushchev uses several metaphors in his letter to JFK. What is one metaphor and what does it mean?

2. According to Robert, how did time before the crisis was publicized effect the President's decisions?

3. How was the official letter sent by the Soviets on October 27th different from the letter sent October 26th?

4. Why did JFK choose the Marucla for the first vessel to be boarded?

5. Why does Robert claim that "we cannot be an island even if we wished; nor can we successfully separate ourselves from the rest of the world" (94)?

6. What does Robert mean when he writes "no action is taken against a powerful adversary in a vacuum" (96)?

7. How did Africa play a role in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

8. When the crisis was over, why did Kennedy not make a statement assigning credit for the success? And why did he instruct all involved not to provide one either?

9. What is one example Robert provides of a devil's advocate working?

10. What made the prospect of war unbearable to JFK?

(see the answer keys)

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