Thinking, Fast and Slow Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Daniel Kahneman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thinking, Fast and Slow Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Daniel Kahneman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 35 - 38.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What term is used to describe the adoption and termination of task sets by psychologists?
(a) Active control.
(b) Executive control.
(c) Subconscious control.
(d) Cognitive Pupillometry.

2. Who used a method to test intentional causality by making a film in 1944 that involved a circle and two triangles?
(a) Fritz Heider and Mary-Ann Simmel.
(b) Danny Oppenheimer.
(c) Daniel Gilbert.
(d) Shane Frederick.

3. Who is the intellectual leader of an association of scholars against the author's works who call themselves NDM's?
(a) Baruch Fischhoff.
(b) Gary Klein.
(c) Malcolm Gladwell.
(d) Danny Oppenheimer.

4. Who is the author of The Halo Effect?
(a) Philip Rosenzweig.
(b) Baruch Fischhoff.
(c) Malcolm Gladwell.
(d) Christopher Chabris.

5. The author asserts that conflict between an automatic reaction and what is common in our lives?
(a) The intention to analyze the reaction.
(b) The intention to accept the reaction.
(c) The intention to control it.
(d) The intention to follow that reaction.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom did Daniel Kahneman conduct a study on pupil dilation at the University of Michigan?

2. What do scientists call observations that are produced entirely by some aspect of the method of research?

3. How many participants were involved with the author's study on the pain of colonoscopies?

4. How many fatalities came about as a result of bus bombings in Israel between December 2001 and September 2004?

5. The author points out in Chapter 31 that professional golfers putt more successfully when doing what?

(see the answer key)

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