Thinking, Fast and Slow Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Daniel Kahneman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thinking, Fast and Slow Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Daniel Kahneman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 30 - 34.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the acronym WYSIATI stand for?
(a) What you satisfy is all there is.
(b) What you supply is all there is.
(c) What you seek is all there is.
(d) What you see is all there is.

2. When did the CIA obtain information that al-Qaeda might be planning a major attack against the United States?
(a) March 12, 2001.
(b) July 10, 2001.
(c) September 9, 2001.
(d) January 2, 2000.

3. In one example provided for the reader, Kahneman instructs to draw one line, 2 1/2 inches from the bottom of a sheet of paper. On a second sheet, the subject is to draw a 2 1/5 line from the top. What are his observations regarding the lines?
(a) The line from the bottom will be more accurate.
(b) The line from the top will be more accurate.
(c) Both lines will be divergent but correct.
(d) Both lines will be equally accurate.

4. Who is the author of The Halo Effect?
(a) Baruch Fischhoff.
(b) Malcolm Gladwell.
(c) Philip Rosenzweig.
(d) Christopher Chabris.

5. The operations of System 2 have one feature in common. What is this feature?
(a) They require attention.
(b) They are automatic.
(c) They are heuristic.
(d) They are fast.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the conclusion of the study of availability bias conducted by Paul Slovic, Sarah Lichtenstein, and Baruch Fischoff, they deduced that estimates of causes of death are warped by what?

2. Who was the anesthesiologist who intervened regarding physicians' and midwives' clinical judgment to determine whether a baby faced breathing distress?

3. The author asserts in Chapter 1 that anything that occupies your working memory reduces what?

4. The author states that people's predilection for causal thinking exposes them to serious mistakes in evaluating what?

5. What German psychologists offered the most compelling demonstrations of the role of associative coherence in anchoring, according to the author?

(see the answer key)

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