The Things They Carried Test | Final Test - Medium

Tim O'Brien
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Things They Carried Test | Final Test - Medium

Tim O'Brien
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Tim use to kill the man on the trail?
(a) A grenade
(b) A pistol
(c) A machine gun
(d) A trip wire land mine

2. Who defends Lt. Cross from being at fault when the other guys want to blame him?
(a) Azar
(b) Norman Bowker
(c) Henry Dobbins
(d) Mitchell Sanders

3. How did the old farmer react to Tim?
(a) He gave him a hug
(b) He shook hands and shared war stories
(c) He raised a shovel in defiance
(d) He smiled as he drove past

4. What almost killed Tim?
(a) An improperly dressed wound
(b) A shot to the shoulder
(c) A knife wound from town
(d) A partial land mine detonation

5. Other than Kathleen and Tim, who else watched him get into the river?
(a) An old man farming
(b) A woman carrying a basket
(c) A young child eating
(d) A young man hauling rice

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the man on trail wear on his feet?

2. What question does Tim's daughter ask him?

3. What personal item did Tim "bury" in the river?

4. Who helps Tim spook Bobby Jorgenson out on patrol?

5. How old was Tim when he first dealt with death?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain Tim's dilemma about how he killed a man on the trail outside My Khe.

2. What two types of truth are there for the author and reader?

3. Who does Tim go on a trip with and where do they go?

4. What is the main struggle for the narrator/author in the chapter "Good Form?"

5. What does Tim invent about the man he killed?

6. What important information does the reader learn about the story in the preceding chapter?

7. What power do stories have for people dealing with death?

8. How does Norman Bowker ultimately cope with returning home?

9. What does the dancing girl symbolize to you?

10. Do you agree with Kiowa or Tim's point of view about the kill? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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