Things Fall Apart Test | Final Test - Easy

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Things Fall Apart Test | Final Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How are the six leaders of Umuofia treated while in captivity?
(a) They are whipped every day.
(b) They are given anything they asked for.
(c) Their heads are shaved. They are given nothing to eat or drink for three days, and are not allowed to go out and relieve themselves.
(d) They are treated with kindness and respect.

2. What does the ekwe, a hollowed out wooden instrument and the blast of the cannon signify to the nine villages of Umuofia?
(a) The death of a man
(b) The beginning of war
(c) The birth of a child
(d) The beginning of a festival

3. How many cowries do the court messengers ask the people for as payment to release their leaders?
(a) Three hundred bags
(b) Two hundred and fifty bags
(c) Two hundred bags
(d) Two hundred and ten bags

4. What news does Obierika bring to Okonkwo and Uchendu about the Abame clan?
(a) The clan offered the white men yam seeds, so they could build their own farms.
(b) The clan gave five of their daughters to the white men who came to the village.
(c) The clan has been wiped out by white men who surrounded the market and shot everyone.
(d) The clan befriended the white men who arrived and now were affluent.

5. What is the final ceremony, Amikwu, Uchendu's youngest son, has to perform before getting married?
(a) Kwenu--shouts of approval
(b) Umuada--the gathering of daughters
(c) Isa-ife--the ceremony of confession
(d) Uri--the ceremony of wine bringing

6. What is Nwoye's name changed to after he joins the Christians?
(a) James
(b) Luke
(c) Thomas
(d) Isaac

7. What event occurs that convinces the clan that the gods can fight their own battles?
(a) Mr. Kiaga becomes ill and is not able to get up for over a week.
(b) Okoli, the convert who is thought to have killed the Sacred Python, dies from illness.
(c) All the food at the church becmes infested with maggots.
(d) All of the converts come down with a painful rash.

8. What does the angry band of egwugwu do to Enoch's compound and the Christian church as revenge for unmasking one of the ancestral spirits?
(a) They burn them to the ground.
(b) They leave the buildings alone and try to find Enoch.
(c) They murder all Enoch's family and the Christians in the church.
(d) They rub red clay and palm oil all over the buildings.

9. What does Uchendu tell Okonkw his duty was?
(a) Forget about his past, and denounce his homeland.
(b) Never return to his homeland, but build his future in Mbanta.
(c) To go back to his clan and beg to be forgiven.
(d) Comfort his wives and children and take them back to his fatherland after seven years.

10. What happens in Umuofia the next time Obierika comes to visit Okonkwo, two years later?
(a) The missionaries come, building a church and send evangalists to other towns and villages.
(b) The entire village coverts to the white man's religion.
(c) More white men come, and the clan kills them.
(d) The white men wipe out another clan of Umuofia.

11. What does Okonkwo hope his sons will be initiated into when his family returns from exile?
(a) Ozo society
(b) The Nidichi
(c) Sacred Yam Seed society
(d) The Sacred Python society

12. When the missionaries ask the rulers of Mbanta for land to build their church, what do the rulers give them?
(a) The best plot of land in the village
(b) A rocky, barren piece of land in the hills
(c) The
(d) An uncleared piece of land in the forest

13. What does the oldest member of the clan say is the reason for gathering for Okonkwo's feast?
(a) To show off the wealth of food
(b) Because it is good for kinsman to do so
(c) To gather under the moonlight
(d) To save kinsman from starving

14. Why does Obierika go to visit Okonkwo a second time, two years after the first?
(a) He misses his good friend, Okonkwo, and thinks he should tell him that missionaries had come.
(b) To find out why Okonkwo's son, Nwoye, joined the white missionaries.
(c) To find out if all is well with Okonkwo and his family.
(d) To bring more cowries and some yam seeds to his friend, Okonkwo

15. Why does Obierika tell Okonkwo that it is too late to fight the white man and drive him from the land?
(a) The white men have powerful spirits who protected them.
(b) The white men are more courageous than the men of Umuofia.
(c) There are too many white men.
(d) Because their own men and sons have joined the white man's religion and government.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Okonkwo afraid will happen to his male children after he dies?

2. What do the rulers and elders of Mbanta decide to do about the Christians after one of the converts kills the Sacred Python?

3. Who touches off the conflict between church and clan in Umuofia that has been building since Mr. Brown left?

4. How does Ekwefi and Ezinma harvest the cassava for the feast?

5. What is the other thing that the white man brought to Umuofia besides religion?

(see the answer keys)

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