Things Fall Apart Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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Things Fall Apart Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 20.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Nwoye's mother calls Ezinma "Ezigbo" when she brings the fire to Nwoye's mother's hut. What does "Ezigbo" mean?
(a) Good work
(b) Helpful child
(c) Good girl
(d) The good one

2. Why is Umuofia feared by all its neighbors?
(a) It is powerful in war and magic and has a strong war medicine called agadi-nwayi.
(b) It never tries to find a peaceful settlement before going to war.
(c) Umuofia goes to war whether the case is clear and just or not.
(d) The medicine woman curses all its enemies.

3. Why is Okonkwo's twelve-year-old son, Nwoye, causing him great anxiety?
(a) Okonkwo believes his son to be lazy.
(b) Okonkwo is jealous of his son's growing strength.
(c) Nwoye is a wild, unruly boy.
(d) Nwoye complains about having to work in the fields from dawn to dusk.

4. Why do the people say "Mother is Supreme" when the man is the head of the family and his wives and children are obedient to him?
(a) They believe in the very first mother of all men, giving life to all the men who came after.
(b) They are referring to the mother of all gods, guiding them to rule the world.
(c) When a man is sorrowful and bitter, he seeks refuge in his motherland because his mother is there to protect him. It is where she is buried.
(d) They are referring to Mother Earth and how she is fertile for the yams.

5. What is the festival that gives thanks to Ani, the earth goddess and source of fertility?
(a) The Yam Harvest Festival
(b) The New Yam Festival
(c) The Seeds of Life Festival
(d) The Mother of the Earth Festival

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of clan members join the white man's religion?

2. The punishment for breaking the sacred peace changes through the years. What happened to a man that broke the Week of Peace in the past?

3. What do the people of Umuofia fear in the night?

4. What is the name all children of the clan except Ezinma call their mothers?

5. Why does Okonkwo insult Osugo at a meeting by calling him a woman?

(see the answer key)

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