Things Fall Apart Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Things Fall Apart Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 11.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The punishment for breaking the sacred peace changes through the years. What happened to a man that broke the Week of Peace in the past?
(a) He was dragged on the ground through the village until dead.
(b) He was hanged in the marketplace for all to see.
(c) He was tied in the village marketplace and each member of the clan spat on him.
(d) He was exiled from Umuofia, considered to be dead to all the clan.

2. Which of the spectators of the wrestling match are allowed to sit around the huge circle of the wrestling ring?
(a) Women and children.
(b) The elders, grandees, a few early comers in the stands, and the drummers.
(c) The wrestlers waiting for their matches.
(d) Pregnant women.

3. What does every man and his family do after the Week of Peace?
(a) Plays flutes, dances and sings before planting the crops.
(b) Gathers in the marketplace to visit with neighbors.
(c) Has a feast to celebrate with each other.
(d) Cuts bush to make new farms, burns the bush and flies kites over the burning fields.

4. What is the only way a young man can build a barn of his own if his father has no yams?
(a) Planting coco-yams.
(b) Saving his money to buy seeds.
(c) Share-cropping.
(d) Going to his mother and his father's wives for help.

5. Nwoye's mother calls Ezinma "Ezigbo" when she brings the fire to Nwoye's mother's hut. What does "Ezigbo" mean?
(a) Good girl
(b) The good one
(c) Good work
(d) Helpful child

Short Answer Questions

1. As Ekwefi and Okonkwo wait outside of Agbala's cave for Ezinma's return, what does Ekwefi think about?

2. How is the weather during the first growing season that Okonkwo starts share-cropping for Nwakibie?

3. What is the festival that gives thanks to Ani, the earth goddess and source of fertility?

4. As the drums sound and the flutes blast, what appears out of the egwugwu house?

5. Who is the first man Okonkwo works for as a share-cropper ?

(see the answer key)

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