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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 14.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How is the weather during the first growing season that Okonkwo starts share-cropping for Nwakibie?
(a) The worst in memory: late rains and scorching sun kill the yams, then torrential downpours wash the seeds away.
(b) The beginning of the season is poor weather for growing yams, but the second planting of the season grows huge yams, sweet and plump.
(c) The best growing weather ever: yams flourish with the nightly rains and sunny days.
(d) Some good days, and some bad: the yams grow, but not to their potential. Some days were too hot and some rains too severe.
2. How many men are in each of the two teams of wrestlers who face each other in the wrestling ring?
(a) Twelve men on each side
(b) Nine men on each side
(c) Five men on each side
(d) Six men on each side
3. What are the crops that are considered women's crops by the people of Umuofia?
(a) Palms, bitter-leaf, foo foo
(b) Coco-yams, beans, cassava
(c) Yams, kola nuts, greens
(d) Gourds, bananas, oil bean
4. What is the shameful death Unoka endures?
(a) Dying of the abomination of swollen stomach and limbs, never to be buried in the earth.
(b) Beheading because of his many unpaid debts.
(c) Starvation due to his many failed crops.
(d) Drowning in his own vomit after too much palm-wine.
5. What is the final ceremony, Amikwu, Uchendu's youngest son, has to perform before getting married?
(a) Uri--the ceremony of wine bringing
(b) Umuada--the gathering of daughters
(c) Kwenu--shouts of approval
(d) Isa-ife--the ceremony of confession
Short Answer Questions
1. Why do the people say "Mother is Supreme" when the man is the head of the family and his wives and children are obedient to him?
2. What does Uchendu, the younger brother of Okonkwo's mother, give to Okonkwo after he comes looking for refuge?
3. When Okonkwo was a boy, his father, Unoka, consults Agbala, the Oracle of the Hills, about why his crops always fail.. What reply did the Oracle give?
4. Why do all the women abandon preparing the food for the uri and rush off to the Obierika's crop field?
5. What does Okonkwo bring with him to share with the wealthy Nwakibie and his family before asking for yam seeds and share cropping privileges?
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