They Call Me Coach Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

They Call Me Coach Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During many games, Coach Wooden told Jack Hirsch to stop acting like a what?
(a) Show-off.
(b) Child.
(c) Bully.
(d) Star.

2. In what year did Wooden start college?
(a) 1935.
(b) 1940.
(c) 1928.
(d) 1918.

3. In what year did Coach Wooden enlist in the military?
(a) 1942.
(b) 1945.
(c) 1950.
(d) 1928.

4. What caused Wooden to return to his high-school basketball team after he walked off the team?
(a) Several conversations with his father.
(b) Several conversations with Nellie.
(c) Several conversations with Coach Curtis.
(d) Several conversations with his brother, Cat.

5. Coach Wooden's father told him to make each day what?
(a) Great.
(b) A masterpiece.
(c) The best day it can be.
(d) A new beginning.

6. When Walt Hazzard played in a game, he liked to stand out by doing which of the following?
(a) Making three point shots.
(b) Fancy dribbling.
(c) Getting the rebounds.
(d) Scoring the majority of the points.

7. Who encouraged Coach Wooden to wait until after college to marry Nellie?
(a) His mother.
(b) His coach.
(c) His father.
(d) Nellie's mother.

8. Wooden learned that students who do what, can get free tuition?
(a) Play on the basketball team.
(b) Have parents who are alumni.
(c) Have at least a B average.
(d) Make the dean's list.

9. Where did Wooden go the morning after his wedding?
(a) To look for a job.
(b) To help his coach recruit new players.
(c) To basketball practice.
(d) To a basketball clinic.

10. What signal did Coach Wooden give to Nellie before each game when he was a coach?
(a) He introduced her to the crowd.
(b) He waved at her with his rolled up program.
(c) He winked at her.
(d) He whistled at her.

11. Why did Wooden stay a coach when he could have earned much more money as a professional player?
(a) His wife didn't want him to play professionally.
(b) He didn't get any professional offers.
(c) He was getting too old to play professional basketball.
(d) He loved the young people he coached.

12. Why did Coach Wooden get upset with his high-school basketball coach, Glenn Curtis?
(a) He felt like Coach Curtis didn't give his brother a chance.
(b) He didn't like the way Coach Curtis ran practice.
(c) He didn't agree with Coach Curtis' game philosophy.
(d) He thought Coach Curtis was disrespectful to the players.

13. Because of an incident between Coach Wooden and his brother as children, what did he vow never to do?
(a) Lie.
(b) Get into a fight.
(c) Hurt someone's feelings.
(d) Swear.

14. Where was Wooden's first high-school coaching job?
(a) Dayton High School.
(b) Springfield High School.
(c) South Bend High School.
(d) Martinsville High School.

15. What did Coach Wooden tell Kenny Washington when he catches Kenny crying because he is homesick?
(a) Go call your mom.
(b) Basketball players do not cry.
(c) It is okay to be homesick.
(d) Shape up or ship out.

Short Answer Questions

1. As a child, what did Coach Wooden stuff with rags to make a ball?

2. Many of the players on Wooden's first college team has also been what?

3. Why did Coach Wooden reject an offer to play at the NAIA tournament in Kansas City?

4. Who did Wooden replace as coach at Indiana State?

5. When Coach Wooden was a child, what was his first basketball hoop made out of?

(see the answer keys)

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