These Is My Words Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nancy E. Turner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

These Is My Words Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nancy E. Turner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Sarah not wear the color sunbonnet she has always wanted to?
(a) She gets hand-me-downs from her sister.
(b) Her father liked her in a certain color.
(c) She tries to please her mother.
(d) She does not have the money.

2. Why does Ernest lose a leg?
(a) He gets a deep cut.
(b) He gets an arrow wound.
(c) He gets bitten by a snake.
(d) He is bitten by a rabid wolf.

3. What is Sarah's middle name?
(a) Angel.
(b) Angela.
(c) Agnes.
(d) Althea.

4. What does Sarah call the Mormon women in the wagon train?
(a) Desperate.
(b) Addled.
(c) Pretty.
(d) Strange.

5. What is Sarah's last name?
(a) Prine.
(b) Pine.
(c) Pirne.
(d) Pire.

6. What does Captain Elliot do during the Indian attack?
(a) Sounds the alarm.
(b) Serves as a sniper.
(c) Runs and hides.
(d) Fights viciously.

7. Who did Mother's courter once fight with?
(a) The Union.
(b) The Tories.
(c) The Revolutionsits.
(d) The Confederacy.

8. What has Captain Elliot left the Army to become?
(a) A teacher.
(b) An Indian Guide.
(c) A Texas Ranger.
(d) A Mountain Man.

9. What meal does Jimmy make for Sarah when she comes to tell him about the baby?
(a) Rabbit stew.
(b) Pancakes.
(c) Venisson.
(d) Roast beef.

10. What wedding gift do the Maldanados give Sarah and Jimmy?
(a) A hen.
(b) A calf.
(c) A cat.
(d) A pig.

11. Who comes to court Mother?
(a) Major Arnold.
(b) Captain Elliot.
(c) Lietenant Daniels.
(d) Admiral Houston.

12. What happens to Ulyssa when she is sent to fetch water?
(a) She is kidnapped.
(b) She is killed.
(c) She is beaten.
(d) She is raped.

13. Where is Ernest being sent to fight the Indians?
(a) The Dakotas.
(b) Oklahoma.
(c) California.
(d) Texas.

14. Why does Sarah draw on the ground of their land?
(a) To discover truths.
(b) To cheer up her family.
(c) To distract herself.
(d) To make plans.

15. How are Albert and Sarah related?
(a) They are cousins.
(b) They are siblings.
(c) Albert is Sarah's uncle.
(d) Sarah is Albert's aunt.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who performs the marriage ceremony for Albert and Savannah?

2. What does Savannah name her baby boy?

3. How many women are married to the Mormon man in the wagon train?

4. Who slaughters an Indian village in January?

5. What does Sarah sleep with while staying at Jimmy's house?

(see the answer keys)

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