The Scarlet Letter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Scarlet Letter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where has Chillingworth been gathering herbs, when he is asked by the minister in Chapter 10?
(a) By the seashoer.
(b) In the governor's garden.
(c) In Hester's garden.
(d) In a graveyard.

2. While his health is failing, Dimmesdale has achieved what in his profession?
(a) "Populist ire."
(b) "Sanctimonius reputation."
(c) "Sturdier texture."
(d) "Brillant popularity."

3. Against whom is Hawthorne alleged to harbor a "peculiar malevolence"?
(a) His editor.
(b) The Governot.
(c) The Custom's Inspector.
(d) Hester Prynne.

4. In what point of view is "The Custom House" written?
(a) Second.
(b) Third person, omniscient.
(c) Third person, limited.
(d) First.

5. Who is Hester's legal husband?
(a) Dimmesdale.
(b) Lee.
(c) Chillingworth.
(d) Wilson.

6. This preface is the preface to which edition of the novel?
(a) The third.
(b) The first.
(c) The fourth.
(d) The second.

7. Hawthorne writes of his surprise and what in the first lines of the preface?
(a) Laughter.
(b) Amusement.
(c) Joy.
(d) Detriment.

8. The title of Chapter 8 is the what and "the Minister?"
(a) The Minstrel and the Minister.
(b) The Elfin and the Minister.
(c) The Miniature and the Minstrel.
(d) The Elf-Child and the Minister.

9. What is the shape of the hats worn in the "throng"?
(a) Derby.
(b) Pillbox.
(c) Cone.
(d) Steeple.

10. The "public disapprobation" refers to...?
(a) Criticism.
(b) Praise.
(c) Approval.
(d) Celebration.

11. What symbol of the United States hands in front of the Custom-House?
(a) The stars and stripes.
(b) An eagle.
(c) Apple pie.
(d) Uncle Sam.

12. Which one of the following descriptions does not apply to Pearl?
(a) "airy sprite"
(b) "little elf"
(c) "beautiful munchkin"
(d) "sole treasure"

13. How many years after the founding of Boston does Chapter 1 take place?
(a) Approximately 50 or 60.
(b) Approximately 15 or 20.
(c) Approximately 150 or more.
(d) Approximately 90 or 100.

14. Hawthorne surmises that if there were a Papist in the crowd, whom would Hester remind him of?
(a) The Virgin Mary.
(b) Mother Theresa.
(c) The pope.
(d) Mary Magdalene.

15. What is the health problem wrong with Dimmesdale?
(a) Tuberculosis.
(b) Failing health.
(c) Scoliosis.
(d) Failing eyesight.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Hester dress her daughter?

2. The title of Chapter 5 refers to what?

3. What does Pearl desperately desire from the governor's garden?

4. To whom does this description refer: "a seemingly careless arrangement of his heterogeneous garb"?

5. Hawthorne utterly disclaims what kind of motives?

(see the answer keys)

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