There There Test | Final Test - Medium

Tommy Orange
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There There Test | Final Test - Medium

Tommy Orange
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Thomas Frank call his ideal level of intoxication?
(a) The Nation.
(b) The State.
(c) The Zone.
(d) The Cloud.

2. Which of the following is the James Baldwin quote that opens Part III?
(a) "People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them."
(b) "We are the people we have been waiting for."
(c) "Life ain't no crystal stair."
(d) "America will never be destroyed from the outside."

3. What does Orvil pull out of an itchy red bump on his leg?
(a) Pus.
(b) Spider legs.
(c) Splinters.
(d) Bone.

4. What does Sixto do with Octavio when Octavio comes to visit him after his mother and brother's deaths?
(a) They go to the hospital together.
(b) He asks Octavio to pray with him.
(c) He burns a plant and blows some powder in Octavio's face in a ceremony.
(d) They watch movies.

5. What does Harvey ask Jacquie to do with him?
(a) Drink with him.
(b) Take drugs with him.
(c) Sleep with him.
(d) Drive to Oakland for the powwow with him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Blue's original first name?

2. What does Karen frequently ask Bill to do for Edwin?

3. What tribe is Bill Davis from?

4. Where did Blue get a job once she moved to Oakland?

5. Where does Opal work?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Sixto tell Octavio that he and Octavio have in common?

2. What very strange physical ailment do Orvil and Opal share?

3. What does Calvin Johnson tell Dene Oxendene for his video storytelling project?

4. What is Daniel Gonzales's role in the robbery of the Big Oakland Powwow?

5. In the interlude, what does the narrator say about last names as they relate to Natives?

6. Why did Opal and Jacquie leave Ronald's house as young girls?

7. How does Octavio feel about his uncle Sixto?

8. What story does Orvil tell Dene Oxendene for his video storytelling project?

9. Who gave Opal the regalia that Orvil has secretly been trying on and what is that person's relationship to another main character?

10. What does Bill try to catch out of annoyance when he sees it as he is preforming his maintenance duties at the Oakland Coliseum?

(see the answer keys)

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