Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who threatens to bash LaJoe's head in because she ignores his flirtations?
2. What does Pharoah think is at the end of the rainbow?
3. Who fights in LaJoe's apartment while she is out?
4. Why does Lafeyette want to fight his father?
5. Where is Craig taken and eventually pronounced dead?
Short Essay Questions
1. What improvements are made to the apartment in the summer of 1989?
2. Why is Lafeyette put in charge of the children and what is his behavior like?
3. Describe the shooting of Craig Davis.
4. Who is Vince Lane and what does he hope to accomplish?
5. What does Rickey do that displeases LaJoe?
6. What are some of the improvements Vincent Lane is able to make in the projects?
7. What are the projects like in the winter?
8. Describe what Pharoah sees as the boys are eating their food outside the Main Street hot dog stand.
9. What hope is inspired in Pharoah as a result of his inclusion in the Upward Bound program at the University of Illinois?
10. What happens at the hearing in spite of Anne Rhodes' telling the judge she does not think Lafeyette is guilty?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Using Jimmie Lee as an example, write an essay on America's prison system. Discuss how incarceration more often than not turns out hardened criminals who earn their rank while in prison. Give your suggestions of how the prison system might be improved so that inmates are really rehabilitated.
Essay Topic 2
Write an essay on the causes of gangs and gang violence. What are the circumstances that cause young people to join gangs and subject themselves to gang authority? If gang authority is accepted, what are the reasons for rebelling against the authority of schools, the police, and the adult family members? Go deeper into the causes than just rebellion. Discuss things like personal safety, a need to belong, and a need to communicate.
Essay Topic 3
Write an essay entitled "Kick the Dog." Begin with a story about a man who was harassed at work all day. When he comes home, the dog greets him with its tail wagging. The man, unable to fight back at work, takes his anger out by kicking the innocent dog. Using LaJoe and Lafeyette as examples, write your paper about how people often take out their frustrations of innocent and often helpless people.
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