The Pearl Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pearl Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much does the first pearl buyer offer Kino?
(a) A trip to the United States.
(b) A thousand pesos.
(c) A few dollars.
(d) Ten pesos.

2. What does Juana gives Coyotito to keep him quiet when the trackers go by?
(a) A twig.
(b) A piece of candy.
(c) A corncake.
(d) Her breast for feeding.

3. What makes Kino very afraid in Chapter 5?
(a) The pearl.
(b) The neighbor's screams.
(c) The light from the fire burning his house.
(d) The beach.

4. How old is Kino's tribe?
(a) 400-years old.
(b) 1,000-years old.
(c) Two decades old.
(d) 800-years old.

5. Where does Kino put his knife before he goes to kill the trackers?
(a) On his amulet neck string.
(b) In a holder on his arm.
(c) By Juana's side for protection.
(d) In his pocket.

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes the watcher stop to listen to the night sounds in Chapter 6?

2. What is the highest offer Kino gets for his pearl in Chapter 4?

3. How does Kino know that his pearl is valuable?

4. In Chapter 4, where does Kino threaten to go to get a better price on his pearl?

5. Who is the only man that can walk by Kino?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Juan Tomas and Kino talk about on the way to sell the pearl?

2. Describe the clothing of Juana, Coyotito and Kino on the day of the pearl sale. Why are they dressed as they are?

3. Why do all the divers leave their canoes on the beach the morning after Kino's big pearl find?

4. What happens to Kino's home while he is being attacked by the dark figure in Chapter 5?

5. Describe the water Kino's family finds while on the run in Chapter 6. What does the water symbolize?

6. Describe the place where Juana and Kino spend the day in Chapter 6 while they are on the run.

7. Where does Kino hope to lose the trackers? Why?

8. When Kino says, "I am a man" to Juana, what does that mean to her?

9. What happened before when the pearl buyers got together and tried to have a pearl representative take their goods to the capital?

10. What does Juana do when she senses Kino running after her in the dark when she is going to throw the pearl back into the sea?

(see the answer keys)

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