The Pearl Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pearl Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Juana pray for before they go out searching for pearls that morning in Chapter 2?
(a) To find a pearl that will save Coyotito.
(b) That the priest will bless Coyotito.
(c) That Coyotito will miraculously recover on his own.
(d) That the doctor will come back to save Coyotito.

2. In Chapter 2, what two things does Kino tie his two ropes to?
(a) The boat and a bunch of oysters.
(b) The boat and a heavy stone.
(c) A basket and the boat.
(d) A heavy stone and a basket.

3. What do the other canoeists do when Kino reacts to his pearl in Chapter 2?
(a) Paddle to him.
(b) Scream at him.
(c) Start diving on his oysters.
(d) Try to tip over his canoe.

4. In Chapter 3, why does the doctor say he didn't see Kino this morning?
(a) He was at an important meeting.
(b) He wasn't feeling well.
(c) He was in Paris.
(d) He wasn't in his office.

5. How does the priest treat Kino and his family in Chapter 3?
(a) Like children.
(b) Like mute people.
(c) Like thieves.
(d) Like slaves.

6. What does Kino imagine that Coyotito will wear after he buys new clothes?
(a) A button-down shirt for school.
(b) A blue sailor suit from the United States.
(c) A large brown hat to shade his face.
(d) Bright socks with no holes.

7. What song roars in Kino's ears after the sting?
(a) Song of the Stinging.
(b) Song of Evil.
(c) Song of Anger.
(d) Song of the Enemy.

8. What makes the insect that stings Coyotito fall into Coyotito's bed?
(a) Coyotito laughs and shakes the rope.
(b) It lunges for his face.
(c) The wind blows it into his bed.
(d) Coyotito reaches for it.

9. What does Coyotito sleep in every night?
(a) A crib.
(b) With his parents.
(c) A hanging box.
(d) On the floor.

10. Where does Coyotito get stung?
(a) On his stomach.
(b) On his shoulder.
(c) On his face.
(d) On his leg.

11. What is Kino's first promise spoken out loud when asked about the pearl?
(a) That he will move.
(b) That he will buy a car.
(c) That he and Juana will be married.
(d) That he will buy Juana jewelry.

12. What body part looks blue to the doctor on Coyotito in Chapter 3?
(a) His skin.
(b) His eyelid.
(c) The puncture would.
(d) His shoulder.

13. Why does Kino suddenly become afraid after talking about Coyotito's education in Chapter 3?
(a) A bad person enters his hut.
(b) Juana starts screaming about the scorpion poison.
(c) He has never said so many words together in his life.
(d) The neighbors try to steal his pearl from him then.

14. What does the doctor say when he hears about Kino's pearl?
(a) "He tried to rob me."
(b) "He is a patient of mine."
(c) "I will visit him later today."
(d) "He stole it!"

15. What action does Juana perform on Coyotito after he is stung?
(a) Sucks the puncture wound.
(b) Slaps his wound area.
(c) Rubs the puncture wound with her hand.
(d) Puts a mixed concoction on the area.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of these things is described in Chapter 2 as being on the bottom of the sea?

2. What song is in Kino's head when he wakes up?

3. Why do the villagers come to Kino's house in Chapter 1?

4. What is the baby's name?

5. How does the narrator describe Juana wearing her hair?

(see the answer keys)

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