The Lottery Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lottery Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the instruction given to the villagers about what to do after they have drawn?
(a) They are to show their papers to everyone.
(b) They are to register with Mr. Graves as having drawn.
(c) They are not to look at thier papers untill all have drawn.
(d) They are to look at their papers but not show anyone else.

2. Is Mr. Summers exempt from the lottery?
(a) No. But he is the only one allowed to look into the box while drawing.
(b) Yes. Otherwise they would have to get a new administrator every year.
(c) Yes. But he makes a pretense of drawing anyway.
(d) No. He calls out his own name, too.

3. In general, what type of village is the setting of the story?
(a) A mining village.
(b) A farming village.
(c) A manufacturing village.
(d) A retirement village.

4. Who is the first to hold up his slip of paper?
(a) Old man Warner.
(b) Mr. Summers.
(c) Mr. Graves.
(d) Bill Hutchinson.

5. Who gets to go first in the second drawing?
(a) Bill draws first.
(b) The three children draw first.
(c) The oldest son draws first.
(d) Tessie insists on drawing first.

6. What is being used for the first time this year?
(a) A new black box.
(b) Slips of paper instead of wood chips.
(c) Black and white ping pong balls.
(d) A bigger stool.

7. Who is the first person called to draw for the lottery?
(a) Tessie Hutchinson.
(b) Mr. Martin.
(c) Mr. Adams.
(d) Mrs. Graves.

8. Which stones are the most prized for use in the lottery?
(a) Hard, jagged ones.
(b) Shiny, decorative ones.
(c) Heavy, flat ones.
(d) Smooth, round ones.

9. What does Jackson hint in the story when Tessie is very late arriving?
(a) That Tessie has a premonition of something bad.
(b) That Tessie is not originally from the village.
(c) That Tessie is a scatter brain.
(d) That Tessie is always late for everything.

10. What is the traditional job of the village boys on Lottery Day?
(a) They keep the younger children off the grass.
(b) They form an honor guard for the lottery box.
(c) They play an exhibition football game before the lottery.
(d) They collect stones and bring them to the town square.

11. What is Mr. Zanini's distinction at the lottery?
(a) He is the only single man there.
(b) He is the first one to draw in the lottery.
(c) He is the last one to draw a slip from the black box.
(d) He is the oldest man at the lottery.

12. What is Mr. Summers' position in the town?
(a) He is the religious leader of the village.
(b) He is the custodian of the town square.
(c) He is the town leader and owner of a coal business.
(d) He is the superintendant of schools.

13. What does Mr. Summers do as soon as he is sworn in?
(a) Bows low and receives the crown.
(b) Leads the invocation.
(c) Faces and greets the villagers.
(d) Puts his hand on the black box three times.

14. How do they assemble when it is time to begin the ceremony?
(a) In double file lines.
(b) Making a huge circle in the town square.
(c) Crowding forward to try and be first to draw.
(d) Coming together in family groups.

15. What is Jackson's main theme in the story?
(a) The value of human life.
(b) The need for tradition in small towns.
(c) The stupidity of blindly following tradition.
(d) The need for change in a community.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are some villages rumored to be doing with their lottery?

2. What is Mrs. Hutchinson's behavior as she makes her way to her family?

3. What is Jackson saying about tradition.

4. How do most of the villagers appear to regard the lottery?

5. What does Mrs. Delacroix have in her hands?

(see the answer keys)

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