The Jungle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jungle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Someone whispers to Jurgis as he falls asleep during another political meeting. What word does the stranger whisper?
(a) American
(b) Hobo
(c) Friend
(d) Comrade

2. Why is Jurgis in prison?
(a) For being in a whorehouse
(b) For making too much noise
(c) For stealing
(d) For eating up a man

3. What does Jurgis also become?
(a) A fugitive
(b) A boss
(c) A lawman
(d) A homeowner

4. Who does this person think Packingtown should be in the hands of?
(a) The bosses
(b) The workmen
(c) The government
(d) The women

5. Where does Jurgis try to get a job?
(a) The factory
(b) The fertilizer mill
(c) Brown's
(d) The mines

6. During what month of 1904 are people out of work?
(a) March
(b) January
(c) June
(d) February

7. In the next election, how does the socialist vote do?
(a) It doesn't improve or regress
(b) It doesn't make the ballot
(c) It does better
(d) It does worse

8. What does Jurgis have to do to get money?
(a) Ask his boss for a raise
(b) Beg
(c) Work longer hours
(d) Sell his things

9. Who is Jurgis directed to talk to?
(a) Tamola
(b) Ontrovena
(c) Orlea
(d) Ostrinski

10. What are men all over joining in order to change their lives?
(a) The unions
(b) The gentlemen's clubs
(c) The Republican party
(d) The socialist party

11. What is the speaker talking about?
(a) Peace
(b) The working man's fate
(c) Democracy
(d) Higher wages

12. The answer to #166 are the _______ for the success of Packington.
(a) Meaning
(b) Backbone
(c) Reason
(d) Muscle

13. What does Jurgis buy with his newfound wealth?
(a) A coat
(b) Food
(c) A drink
(d) A house

14. How much money does Jurgis have in the bank at this time?
(a) $300
(b) $5
(c) $200
(d) $100

15. What is Jurgis filled with once he is done drinking?
(a) Guilt
(b) Pride
(c) Worry
(d) A sense of obligation

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the new friend give Jurgis?

2. Who has gone downtown with the rest of Jurgis' family?

3. What is the term socialists use for each other?

4. Is Jurgis success with the action of #169?

5. How did Jurgis' son die?

(see the answer keys)

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