The Jungle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jungle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of job do the kids get?
(a) Working in the slaughter house
(b) Selling papers
(c) Makign clothes
(d) Cleaning the blood off the floors

2. Where does Jurgis get his next job?
(a) A farm
(b) Another slaughterhouse
(c) The canning factory
(d) A fertilizer plant

3. Where does Jurgis have to go after his first day back at work?
(a) The store
(b) The midwife
(c) The doctor
(d) The bank

4. What does Ona suddenly suffer from?
(a) Paralysis
(b) Blindness
(c) Night terrors
(d) Panic attacks

5. Whose factory is suddenly shut down, leaving this character without work?
(a) Jurgis
(b) Stanislovas
(c) Ona
(d) Marija

6. Who made the person in #81 turn to prostitution?
(a) Tamoszius
(b) Jack
(c) Jurgis
(d) Conner

7. What is the reason Antanas can not find work?
(a) He is considered to be too old
(b) He can't speak English
(c) He complains too often
(d) He isn't a strong man

8. What does the house become infested with?
(a) Rats
(b) Worms
(c) Termites
(d) Bugs

9. Who ignores the carcasses that pass by unchecked on the conveyor belt?
(a) The women
(b) Ona
(c) Jurgis
(d) The government inspector

10. Who is the character in charge of the wedding?
(a) Ona
(b) Marija
(c) Elzbieta
(d) Stanislovas

11. What happens to Marija's wages?
(a) They are doubled
(b) They include bonuses
(c) They are garnished
(d) They are cut in half

12. What is used in the sausages at the factory?
(a) Bread
(b) Beans
(c) Potato flour
(d) Spoiled hams

13. What happens to the unborn calves of the slaughtered cows?
(a) They are killed too
(b) They are sold
(c) They are raised into adulthood
(d) They are taken away

14. Who falls in love with the violin player?
(a) Ona
(b) Marija
(c) Antanas
(d) Jurgis

15. What does Jurgis already know about Ona?
(a) That she will die
(b) That she has left him
(c) That she is too good for him
(d) That she is not the woman he loves

Short Answer Questions

1. Who deserts the family and is never heard from again?

2. The bosses at the slaughterhouses cheat the men by ________ their hours of work.

3. What is another word for 'consumption'?

4. What is Marija's job?

5. What is the name of the collective group of businesses in Chicago?

(see the answer keys)

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