The Guest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 82 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Guest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 82 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Daru offend?
(a) The French police in Tinguit
(b) The Villagers
(c) Balducci
(d) The Arab

2. What does Daru hold out for the Arab?
(a) Package of food
(b) Guns
(c) Package of clothes
(d) The paperwork Balducci gave him

3. Where are the villages in relation to the schoolhouse?
(a) Beneath the schoolhouse
(b) Beside the schoolhouse
(c) The schoolhouse is not near any villages
(d) Above the schoolhouse

4. Where does Daru show the Arab after breakfast?
(a) The horses
(b) The classroom
(c) Out the door
(d) The shed

5. When Daru returns back to the classroom, what is the Arab doing?
(a) Lying down reading
(b) Sitting drinking tea
(c) Sitting down and eating a snack
(d) Lying down staring at the ceiling

6. How long did the drought last before the blizzard began?
(a) 7 months
(b) 8 months
(c) 10 months
(d) 9 months

7. Where in that city is the Arab to be taken?
(a) His cousins
(b) Another schoolhouse
(c) A family's home
(d) Police headquarters

8. What lies in the eastern direction when the plateau slopes?
(a) The schoolhouse
(b) Tinguit itself
(c) Outcropping of rocks and a chaotic looking landscape
(d) Low plain with a few trees

9. What does Daru see as he looks out over the two different directions?
(a) People
(b) Sky on the horizons
(c) The Arab
(d) Nomads

10. What does Daru say he will wait for before he will take the Arab to the next destination?
(a) New supplies
(b) The snow to melt
(c) Another blizzard
(d) A declaration of war

11. How far is it from El Ameur to the schoolhouse?
(a) 5 kilometers
(b) 3 kilometers
(c) 4 kilometers
(d) 2 kilometers

12. Who does Daru think of as he looks out over the deserted land beyond the plateau?
(a) The police station
(b) His students
(c) The Arab
(d) Balducci

13. What does Daru see on the blackboard in the classroom?
(a) A threat
(b) Nothing it is empty
(c) The paperwork from Balducci
(d) Just his drawings of the French rivers

14. As Balducci prepares to leave, what does he want to do that Daru tells him not to bother doing?
(a) Making more tea
(b) Handcuffing the Arab
(c) Cleaning up the mess
(d) Tying the Arab's hands

15. What food does Daru make for the Arab?
(a) Bacon
(b) Tea
(c) Cookies
(d) Omelette

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Daru do while the Arab washes up?

2. What is there talk of in the area, which requires Balducci to return right away?

3. What weather event has just occurred at the beginning of the story?

4. How far of a walk is it to Tinguit?

5. What does Balducci want Daru to sign?

(see the answer keys)

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