The Giver Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Giver Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Because Gabriel is doing so well, where do the nurturers decide that Gabriel must be taken?
(a) To the nursery.
(b) To the House of the Old.
(c) To the school.
(d) To the Department of Justice.

2. When did the council add the no release rule to the list for Jonas?
(a) At the Ceremony of Twelve.
(b) When Lily was born.
(c) After the old Receiver died.
(d) When Jonas was born.

3. What does the Giver give Jonas when he asks about Fiona's hair?
(a) A piece of writing.
(b) A test.
(c) A book.
(d) A pen.

4. What does The Giver play so Jonas can witness the request he'd made to see his Father doing something?
(a) The video.
(b) The film reel.
(c) The tape player.
(d) The CD.

5. What can Jonas now see and keep by Chapter 17?
(a) Colors.
(b) Sleds.
(c) Snow.
(d) Sunshine.

6. Who does Jonas discover is scheduled to be released the morning after the twins?
(a) Asher.
(b) Lily.
(c) Gabriel.
(d) Larissa.

7. What game do the children play out in the field where Asher and Jonas are playing in Chapter 17?
(a) The game of tag.
(b) Jumprope.
(c) The game of war.
(d) Red Rover.

8. When do Jonas and Gabriel openly travel?
(a) At night.
(b) During the morning.
(c) Only in the afternoon.
(d) During the entire day.

9. To where does Jonas plan an escape?
(a) The canyons.
(b) the mountains.
(c) Elsewhere.
(d) The outskirts of the community.

10. What happens to Jonas when he is sledding in Chapter 14?
(a) He collides with a tree.
(b) He hits a bump and hurts himself.
(c) He breaks the sled.
(d) He wraps the sled around a tree.

11. What happened to the last Receiver, and why did she fail?
(a) She upset the community.
(b) She was not happy to do her job.
(c) She wanted to have a family.
(d) She could not handle the good and bad memories.

12. What does Lily want to talk about back at the house in Chapter 17?
(a) Birds.
(b) Bicycles.
(c) Comfort Objects.
(d) Babies.

13. What memories will The Giver transfer to Jonas to prepare him for his escape?
(a) Skills and knowledge.
(b) Courage and strength.
(c) Fear and joy.
(d) Adventure and play.

14. What emotion does Jonas experience when he receivs the memory of Christmas with family and friends?
(a) Forgiveness.
(b) Hope.
(c) Joy.
(d) Love.

15. What happened to the community when the old Receiver was released?
(a) Nothing - they stayed the same.
(b) The memories came back to the people.
(c) They grew angry and resentful.
(d) They began to interpret her old dreams.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jonas no longer care about as the journey gets progressively longer?

2. What happens to twins born into the community?

3. What action does Father perform on the smaller twin?

4. When Jonas is on The Giver's couch in Chapter 20, what does Jonas scream that he wants?

5. What event does Jonas watch take place right before his eyes during the memory of war?

(see the answer keys)

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