The Giver Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Giver Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Ceremony of Twelve is when the children are assigned their life jobs. Who observes the child before placement?
(a) The Receiver.
(b) The Laborers.
(c) The Elders.
(d) The Nurturers.

2. What is the name of the infant that Father is concerned is not thriving?
(a) Gabriel.
(b) Gilbert.
(c) Richard.
(d) Stephen.

3. After the Ceremony of Twelves, what characteristic no longer matters?
(a) Weight.
(b) Age.
(c) Skin tone.
(d) Height.

4. What assignment does Madeline receive, which Jonas is glad he did not?
(a) Fish Hatchery Attendent.
(b) Nurturer.
(c) Food Production.
(d) Birthmother.

5. When were the original numbers of the group at the Ceremony of Twelve given out?
(a) At the Ceremony of Nines.
(b) At birth.
(c) At the Ceremony of Ones.
(d) Before they entered the auditorium.

6. Why might Gabriel be released?
(a) Lily does not want another brother.
(b) Gabriel cries too often.
(c) He does not sleep through the night.
(d) The family cannot have three children.

7. Which female, whose original number is eighteen, sits beside Jonas during the Ceremony of Twelves?
(a) Asher.
(b) Fiona.
(c) Edna.
(d) Pierre.

8. Dream-telling begins at what age?
(a) The Elevens.
(b) The Nines.
(c) The Threes.
(d) The Ones.

9. In The Matching of Spouses, which of the following is NOT considered a deciding factor?
(a) Interest.
(b) Intelligence.
(c) Height.
(d) Disposition.

10. How many males are awarded per family?
(a) One.
(b) As many as the parents can care for.
(c) Two.
(d) Three.

11. What is the name of the man that Larissa announces was released the morning Jonas came to the House of the Old?
(a) Richard.
(b) Roberto.
(c) Marcus.
(d) Hernesto.

12. Where are children raised until they are named?
(a) School.
(b) Church.
(c) Nursery.
(d) Hospital.

13. On the first day of training, Jonas rides to the House of Old with which character?
(a) Asher.
(b) Larissa.
(c) Benjamin.
(d) Fiona.

14. After Jonas is skipped over, which character receives an assignment as Jonas sits silently hunched in his chair?
(a) Asher.
(b) Fiona.
(c) Pierre.
(d) Lily.

15. Mother describes Jonas's new feelings in his dream as what?
(a) First adventure.
(b) First stirrings.
(c) First assignment.
(d) First wantings.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Jonas gets home from playing catch with Asher in Chapter 3, he used what device to examine the object?

2. What must Gabriel must be labeled in order to be released from the community?

3. Jonas is prohibited from all of the following EXCEPT:

4. How does Roberto feel when he walks through the special door in the Releasing room?

5. What memory does the Giver give Jonas, which males him wake with stinging skin?

(see the answer keys)

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