The Bell Jar Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bell Jar Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What treasure does Esther take with her to solitary confinement?

2. What course of treatment does Joan's first psychiatrist recommend for her?

3. Why does Esther contact Irwin?

4. Who do Esther and Joan both get letters from?

5. Where will Esther live after leaving the asylum?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the only item that gives Esther pleasure in the hospital? Why?

2. What does Esther do at Deer Island?

3. Describe Esther's encounter with the sailor

4. What does Dr. Nolan tell Esther to help her feel better about Joan's death?

5. What do the voices in Esther's head tell her as she sits in the park contemplating suicide?

6. Describe the circumstances that led to Esther's hospitalization.

7. Describe Esther's feelings as she visits the gynecologist.

8. How does Esther feel as she is waiting to enter her exit hearing?

9. How does Esther find out about Joan's homosexuality?

10. What news does Esther expect Dr. Nolan to give her after her insulin reaction? What news does she actually give her?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The Bell Jar is written from Esther's first person point of view. Write an essay examining the novel's point of view focusing on:

1) the narrator's bias

2) the amount of information given based on this point of view

3) comment on how the novel would be different if it was told from a different point of view.

Cite several specific examples from the novel to support your ideas.

Essay Topic 2

What would you have done if you had developed depression as Esther had? Would you have taken the same actions as her? Why? How would your personal experience be different or the same as Esther's?

Essay Topic 3

The Bell Jar is a commentary on the mental health system in the US. In your essay:

1) describe how the mental health system appears in the novel

2) discuss what Plath is saying about the system.

Cite several specific examples from the novel to support your ideas.

(see the answer keys)

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