The Bell Jar Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bell Jar Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jay Cee give Esther as she leaves for her lunch date with the two authors?
(a) A stack of manuscripts.
(b) A sealed envelope.
(c) Some medication.
(d) A new dress.

2. Why does Jody call Esther?
(a) To inquire about Buddy
(b) To see if she still needs a room in her house
(c) To ask about her magazine internship
(d) To see when she will arrive at college for the summer

3. What does Buddy tell Esther she will want to abandon once she has children?
(a) College
(b) Poetry
(c) Reading
(d) Her career

4. How many times did Buddy have sex with the waitress from Cape Cod?
(a) One time
(b) Never
(c) Twice
(d) 30 times

5. When does Esther say she found out Buddy was a hypocrite?
(a) When he asks her to Junior Prom.
(b) The day they saw a baby born.
(c) The day she found out he had TB.
(d) The moment he kissed her after the Junior Prom.

Short Answer Questions

1. What surprises Esther about Buddy's appearance when she first sees him at the sanatorium?

2. Which of the girls at the Amazon does Esther spend the most time with?

3. What bothers Esther about the article "In Defense of Chastity"?

4. Why has a medical student been assigned to deliver the woman's baby on the day Esther and Buddy visit the hospital?

5. Why does Buddy call Esther at college?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Esther convince the college to exempt her from the chemistry course requirement?

2. How does Buddy tell Esther about losing his virginity?

3. How does Buddy react when Esther falls while skiing?

4. What leads Esther to be invited for lunch by Philomena Guinea?

5. Why is Esther so enamored with the rich foods she is served at the Ladies' Day luncheon?

6. According to Esther, what is her mother's opinion of her interest in becoming a writer or editor?

7. Describe the birth scene that Esther and Buddy witness from Esther's point of view

8. How does Jay Cee attempt to cheer Esther up the day of the photo shoot?

9. Who is Mrs. Ockenden?

10. Describe the story that Esther reads in the short story book from the Ladies' Day magazine

(see the answer keys)

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