The Bell Jar Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bell Jar Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Esther notice about the people outside of the hospital?
(a) They all look sick.
(b) They are hardly moving.
(c) They look like they do not belong at the hospital.
(d) They have blank looks on their faces.

2. Who do Esther and Joan both get letters from?
(a) Buddy
(b) Dr. Gordon
(c) Mr. & Mrs. Willard
(d) Jay Cee

3. What does the nurse tell Esther to help her feel more relaxed during her first shock treatment?
(a) It will hardly hurt.
(b) All patients are scared to death the first time.
(c) She will feel like she has gone to sleep.
(d) Few patients have negative side effects.

4. What is unusual about Miss Norris?
(a) She will not leave her room.
(b) She does not speak.
(c) She wears a cameo brooch.
(d) She is not friendly to Esther.

5. Where does Esther have Irwin drive her to?
(a) The hospital
(b) Dr. Nolan's apartment
(c) The asylum
(d) Joan's apartment

6. Who is Esther's doctor at the private hospital?
(a) Dr. Gordon
(b) Dr. Syphilis
(c) Dr. Nolan
(d) Buddy Willard

7. Why does Esther's mother bring her roses?
(a) To cheer her up
(b) They are a gift from Buddy
(c) For her birthday
(d) For Valentine's day

8. What does Esther do that gets her transferred to another hospital?
(a) She refuses shock treatment.
(b) She attacks her mother.
(c) She breaks a mirror.
(d) She yells at George Bakewell.

9. What does Esther wear to her exit hearing at the asylum?
(a) A purple dress and cameo brooch
(b) A red dress
(c) A black wool suit
(d) A red wool suit

10. Where will Esther live after leaving the asylum?
(a) Her college dormitory
(b) The Amazon hotel
(c) Her mother's home
(d) With the Willards

11. What treatment does Dr. Gordon suggest for Esther?
(a) Anti-depressants
(b) Continued weekly appointments with him
(c) Shock treatment
(d) Admittance to an asylum

12. What field does Joan tell Esther she plans on studying when she returns to college?
(a) Physics
(b) Psychiatry
(c) Religion
(d) Chemistry

13. Why is Esther surprised when the nurse tells her she is moving to Belsize?
(a) She never thought she'd make it to Belsize.
(b) Dr. Nolan had told her it would be some time before she was moved up.
(c) She is angry that they are moving her down.
(d) She does not feel well enough to move up.

14. Why doesn't Esther wash her clothes or bathe?
(a) It irritates her mother.
(b) It seems silly to her.
(c) She is too tired because she has not slept in days.
(d) She wants to preserve the memory of her time in NYC.

15. Who is Esther's next door neighbor in the hospital once her room is moved "up front"?
(a) Valerie
(b) Miss Norris
(c) Joan
(d) Dr. Nolan

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Valerie have scars on her head?

2. According to Dr. Nolan, how often will Esther need to have shock treatments?

3. Who is Joan having an affair with at the asylum?

4. Why does Buddy Willard visit Esther in the asylum?

5. What sort of doctor does Dr. Nolan refer Esther to?

(see the answer keys)

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