The Bell Jar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bell Jar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Buddy characterize poetry?
(a) He calls poems pieces of dust.
(b) He sees them as capturing all the beauty there is in the world.
(c) He likens them to the cadavers he dissects in medical school.
(d) He calls them worthless pieces of junk.

2. What faux pas does Esther make with the bellman when she first arrives at the Amazon?
(a) She insults his uniform.
(b) She fails to thank him for carrying her bag to her room.
(c) She ignores him because she is too busy looking out the window.
(d) She does not not tip him because she doesn't know she is supposed to.

3. What is Esther's first reaction when Buddy proposes to her?
(a) She feels nauseous.
(b) She feels like laughing.
(c) She is shocked.
(d) She is delighted.

4. Why can't Marco marry the woman he is in love with?
(a) She is in love with someone else.
(b) She does not love him.
(c) Her parents will not allow them to be married.
(d) She is going to be a nun

5. Who is the only man that Esther ever considered losing her virginity to?
(a) Frankie
(b) Lenny
(c) Eric
(d) Buddy

6. Why does Buddy ask Esther whether she'd like to live in the city or the country?
(a) To decide where to take her on vacation
(b) To determine if she is neurotic
(c) To determine where they should buy their first house
(d) To see if they are compatible

7. What does Esther hear as she lays in bed on the first morning she is home?
(a) The squeak of carriage wheels
(b) Her mother practicing typing
(c) A car pulling out of a driveway
(d) The phone ringing

8. Why doesn't Esther want her picture taken for the magazine?
(a) She doesn't like the paper rose that Jay Cee gave her to hold.
(b) She doesn't like the way they styled her hair.
(c) She is about to begin crying.
(d) She feels insulted by Jay Cee.

9. What does Constantin say is the most difficult aspect of simultaneous translation?
(a) The verb conjugations
(b) The idioms
(c) The speed at which the ambassadors speak
(d) Understanding the ambassadors' accents

10. Why does Esther resolve to "ditch Buddy Willard for once and for all"?
(a) He is insensitive to her feelings about childbirth.
(b) He cheated on her with the waitress from Cape Cod.
(c) He was no longer a virgin.
(d) He had kept his affair with the waitress a secret from her.

11. What does Esther liken the potential choices she has in life to?
(a) The UN
(b) A racehorse
(c) Cooking
(d) A fig tree

12. What keeps Esther and Doreen from attending the magazine party?
(a) They do not want to spend time with the magazine staff.
(b) They do not want to spend time with Betsy and the other girls from the Amazon.
(c) They decide to go to a bar for drinks with Lenny and Frankie.
(d) Their cab is stuck in traffic and they do not arrive until the party is over.

13. What surprises Esther about the English program at her mother's college?
(a) There are more requirements than her own college.
(b) There is no honors program in the English department.
(c) It is surprisingly difficult.
(d) She has already met all of the requirements.

14. What course does Esther convince her college dean to exempt her from taking?
(a) Botany
(b) Shakespeare
(c) Chemistry
(d) Physics

15. What is Lenny Shepherd famous for?
(a) He is a popular disc jockey.
(b) He is a popular actor.
(c) He is the owner of a popular bar.
(d) He is popular dancer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Esther do when she returns to the Amazon the night that Marco attacks her?

2. What trait makes Esther admire Jay Cee?

3. What does Buddy tell Esther she will want to abandon once she has children?

4. Why is Esther shocked when Buddy tells her he is not a virgin?

5. With whom does Esther ride back to the Amazon after leaving the movie premiere?

(see the answer keys)

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