The Zookeeper's Wife Test | Final Test - Easy

Diane Ackerman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Zookeeper's Wife Test | Final Test - Easy

Diane Ackerman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Feliks Cywinski say was his happiest moment while rescuing Jews?
(a) The end of the war when all of the Jews he was hiding could go free.
(b) The birth of Regina Kenigswein's baby.
(c) Rescuing a toddler from the Ghetto.
(d) The day the Ghetto was reopened.

2. What was Szczurcio?
(a) A rooster.
(b) A pig.
(c) A rabbit.
(d) A muskrat.

3. What was the name of Rys's pet rooster?
(a) Morys.
(b) Wicek.
(c) Kuba.
(d) Balbina.

4. Who saw Magdalena at the zoo and gossiped about it?
(a) A Polish zoo guard.
(b) A German soldier.
(c) The housekeeper.
(d) A mail carrier.

5. What birthday present did Himmler want to give Hitler in 1943?
(a) The death of all the Poles in Warsaw.
(b) A European bison.
(c) The liquidation of the rest of the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.
(d) The complete destruction of the city of Warsaw.

6. What happened to the littermates of the baby hamster that Jan gave to Rys?
(a) They were used for experiments.
(b) Their mother killed them.
(c) They were confiscated by a German soldier to give to his children.
(d) They were eaten by a cat.

7. How did Genia escape when she was sent to Treblinka?
(a) She jumped off the train.
(b) She snuck off into the fields they were marching through to reach Treblinka.
(c) She bribed a soldier.
(d) She disguised herself as a soldier.

8. Where did historian Ringelblum hide documents that described what happened in Warsaw during the war?
(a) Inside the wall around the Ghetto.
(b) Milk churns.
(c) In boxes kept at the zoo.
(d) In coffins buried in graveyards.

9. Who did the Zabinskis fire because they were uncertain of the person's trustworthiness?
(a) A zoo guard.
(b) Rys's tutor.
(c) Fox Man.
(d) The housekeeper.

10. What did Antonina convince the German soldier was the cause of the fire at the barracks on the zoo grounds?
(a) An act of sabotage.
(b) A cigarette left by a German soldier.
(c) An electrical short.
(d) Lightning.

11. Why did Rys tell his mother he knew more about keeping wartime secrets than she did?
(a) Because he was smarter than she was.
(b) Because Jan had told Rys secrets that he had not told Antonina.
(c) Because he was the one who fed the Guests in the animal enclosures.
(d) Because she was a woman.

12. How did Antonina know Regina Kenigswein's father?
(a) He supplied fruit to the zoo before the war.
(b) He was a friend of Jan's father.
(c) He was a groundskeeper at the zoo.
(d) He was Rys's teacher.

13. What percentage of the Orthodox community was lost during World War II?
(a) 75%.
(b) 50%.
(c) 20%.
(d) 90%.

14. What talent did Fox Man entertain the Guests with?
(a) Telling stories.
(b) Painting.
(c) Playing piano.
(d) Singing.

15. What practice did Rabbi Shapira engage in to help himself deal with the suffering in the Ghetto?
(a) Writing poetry.
(b) Communing with nature.
(c) Fishing.
(d) Fasting.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the name of Szymon Tenenbaum's wife?

2. What season was it when Antonina was finally able to leave her bed after months of convalescing?

3. What caused Rys to be hospitalized in the winter of 1943?

4. What does Punia, the nickname Jan gave Antonina, mean?

5. What did Himmler study before the war?

(see the answer keys)

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