The Zombie Survival Guide Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Max Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Zombie Survival Guide Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Max Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What environments are unhealthy for zombies?
(a) Warm and wet climates.
(b) Warm and dry climates.
(c) Cold and wet climates.
(d) Cold and dry climates.

2. Why is armor a bad idea to wear when fighting zombies?
(a) It is shiny.
(b) It slows you down.
(c) It makes one more vulnerable.
(d) It is loud.

3. What is the main modification that needs to be made to the ideal location in a Class 1 attack?
(a) Farm utensils must be kept inside the enclosure.
(b) All windows must have shatter-proof glass.
(c) Bars must be installed on the windows.
(d) Outer staircases must be destroyed.

4. What is the benefit of using slings, bows and arrows?
(a) They are easily found and maintained.
(b) They are hard to trace.
(c) They are not loud.
(d) They can be used at a distance.

5. What will not kill a zombie, but can incapacitate them?
(a) Decapitation.
(b) Cutting off limbs.
(c) Piercing the heart.
(d) Blinding them.

6. What is the problem of using vehicles to escape from zombie attacks?
(a) The lights attract zombies.
(b) They are noisy.
(c) They need fuel.
(d) They have limited space.

7. How high should a fence be to protect against a Class 1 attack?
(a) 20 feet.
(b) 12 feet.
(c) 15 feet.
(d) 10 feet.

8. What should a group of people do when a vehicle is stranded?
(a) Run for cover.
(b) Hide within the vehicle.
(c) Try to fix the vehicle.
(d) Slowly walk away from it.

9. Who first discovered the virus that creates zombies?
(a) Jam Vinderholen.
(b) Jan Vanderhaven.
(c) Jim Valholden.
(d) Jon Vanhalen.

10. What are explosives good for during a zombie attack?
(a) Causing distractions.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Making holes.
(d) Opening doors.

11. Why is there no immunization for Solanum?
(a) There is no way to study it.
(b) Solanum works too fast.
(c) It can't keep.
(d) It would be fatal.

12. How long after a zombie bite does the heart stop beating?
(a) 21 hours.
(b) 22 hours.
(c) 23 hours.
(d) 20 hours.

13. What does electricity do to zombies?
(a) Energizes them.
(b) Angers them.
(c) Kills them.
(d) Paralyzes them.

14. What kind of combat is unwise with zombies?
(a) Out-numbered.
(b) Long-termed.
(c) Hand to hand.
(d) Psychological.

15. What can destroy a zombie completely, but is ineffective?
(a) Fire.
(b) Gunpowder.
(c) Acid.
(d) Boiling water.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do zombies have a hard time differentiating between?

2. What do zombies not fear?

3. What must be considered when choosing a place to hide during a zombie attack?

4. What is the ideal defense location for a Class 1 attack?

5. What must be clearly defined before running from a fortress during a zombie attack?

(see the answer keys)

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