The Yellow Wallpaper Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Yellow Wallpaper Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 67 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The narrator gets up in the middle of the night to do what?
(a) Feel if the wallpaper is moving
(b) Get a drink of water
(c) Feed her baby
(d) Run away

2. How does the narrator describe the wallpaper’s smell?
(a) A sweet smell
(b) A sour smell
(c) A yellow smell
(d) A black smell

3. Who faints at the end of the story?
(a) John
(b) Weir Mitchell
(c) Jennie
(d) The narrator

4. What holiday passes while the family is staying at the country house?
(a) Easter
(b) Thanksgiving
(c) Fourth of July
(d) New Year’s Eve

5. What does the narrator try - but fails – to move?
(a) The chair
(b) The lamp
(c) The bed
(d) The desk

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the unnamed protagonist believe that she and her husband were able to rent the mansion for the summer?

2. John advices the narrator to not allow the what to run away with her?

3. In what point of view is the story written?

4. What does the moonlight illuminate on the wallpaper?

5. Where does the narrator spend most of her time in the country house?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does the narrator think her husband was able to rent the summer house at such short notice?

2. What does what John calls the narrator in the middle of the nightsuggest about their relationship?

3. Why does the narrator suggest she’s not getting well because ofthe fact that her husband is a physician? What does this say about their relationship?

4. The narrator says that she watches the paper always. What does this increasing obsession suggest about the narrator?

5. Why does John threaten to send the narrator to Weir Mitchell?

6. Why does John refuse to repaper the nursery after initially agreeing?

7. Why does the narrator feel bad for the woman in the wallpaper?

8. How does the narrator think the “smooch” on the wall was created?

9. What is suggested by the narrator’s concern for her reputation?

10. Why is the narrator afraid of being sent to Weir Mitchell?

(see the answer keys)

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