The Yellow Wallpaper Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Yellow Wallpaper Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 67 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color stains does Jennie find on their clothing?
(a) Red
(b) Yellow
(c) Green
(d) Black

2. The narrator believes that the wallpaper has a ________.
(a) Present for her
(b) Beautiful pattern
(c) Secret message
(d) Sub-design

3. John calls the narrator back to bed by calling her this name:
(a) Pumpkin
(b) Little girl
(c) Honey Darling
(d) Sweetheart

4. What does the narrator think about doing to the house “to reach the smell”?
(a) Re-furnishing the house
(b) Re-paint the house
(c) Wash all of the surfaces with ammonia
(d) Burn the house down

5. What does the narrator try - but fails – to move?
(a) The desk
(b) The lamp
(c) The chair
(d) The bed

6. In what point of view is the story written?
(a) First
(b) Third, limited
(c) Third, omniscient
(d) Second

7. When does the narrator say the wallpaper becomes clearer?
(a) In the morning
(b) In the evening
(c) In the afternoon
(d) In the moonlight

8. What does the narrator do while John is gone?
(a) Shreds the sheets
(b) Jumps out the window
(c) Peels the wallpaper
(d) Runs away

9. What does John force the narrator to do after every meal?
(a) Take a nap
(b) Drink coffee
(c) Bathe
(d) Walk through the garden

10. What does the narrator think is happening to the wallpaper pattern at night?
(a) It is shaking
(b) It is peeling itself off of the wall
(c) It is humming
(d) It is talking to her

11. John thinks the narrator is getting _________ when he talks to her in the night.
(a) He does not express his opinion regarding the state of her health
(b) Better, saying that her appetite has returned and her flesh is gaining color
(c) The same, and she needs additional time to rest
(d) Worse, he’s sending her away to Weir Mitchell

12. Whom does the narrator want to visit?
(a) Her cousin Henry and Julia
(b) Her sister Jane and husband
(c) Her dog, Jasper, at the city house
(d) Her mother and Father

13. What does the narrator think that the figure in the wallpaper is trying to do?
(a) Sleep
(b) Eat dinner
(c) Escape
(d) Fight the wallpaper pattern

14. Who or what does think is shaking the wallpaper?
(a) The woman
(b) The yellow color
(c) The pattern
(d) The bars

15. Who is the author of The Yellow Wallpaper?
(a) Barbara Kingsolver
(b) Emily Bronte
(c) Charlotte Perkins Gilman
(d) Jane Austen

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jennie not realize that the narrator has?

2. In the opening pages, what does the narrator’s husband not believe?

3. Who does the narrator become afraid of?

4. Where doesn’t the narrator want to go at the end of the story?

5. Who is the housekeeper?

(see the answer keys)

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