The Yellow Wallpaper Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Yellow Wallpaper Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 67 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does John make the narrator drink as a cure?
(a) Water
(b) Green tea
(c) Milk
(d) Cod liver oil

2. What type of figure does the narrator believe she sees in the pattern?
(a) A man
(b) A woman
(c) A child
(d) An infant

3. What does the narrator “securely fasten” herself with?
(a) The bed sheets
(b) A rope
(c) The drapery
(d) Restrictive clothing

4. What does the narrator think John is looking at when he is in the room?
(a) The bars on the window
(b) The wallpaper
(c) The nailed-down bed
(d) The view out the window

5. Whose perspective is the story being told from?
(a) Jennie’s
(b) The unnamed protagonist’s
(c) Jane’s
(d) John’s

6. Jennie says what stains all of their clothing?
(a) Wine
(b) The wallpaper
(c) Flower pollen
(d) Infant formula

7. Who carries the narrator upstairs to her room?
(a) The groundskeeper
(b) Jennie
(c) Ronaldo
(d) John

8. Who does the narrator become afraid of?
(a) Jennie
(b) John
(c) The baby
(d) Mother

9. Why can’t the figure in the pattern escape?
(a) The pattern would strangle her
(b) She doesn’t really want to escape
(c) She can’t find her way out
(d) She needs the narrator to help her

10. How much time passes before the narration continues after it suddenly stopped in the first section?
(a) One Month
(b) Two weeks
(c) Two months
(d) Three days

11. The narrator begs John to _______:
(a) Cuddle with her
(b) Leave
(c) Bring the baby to her
(d) Go shopping

12. At the climax of the story, who does the narrator think that she has become?
(a) John
(b) The woman in the wallpaper
(c) Jennie
(d) Mary

13. What does the narrator initially want to do with a rope?
(a) Use it to move the bed from the wall
(b) Use it to escape out the window
(c) Use it to tie up the woman if she tries to escape
(d) Use it to hang the woman

14. What does the narrator believe cultivates deceit?
(a) Writing in her journal
(b) Watching the wallpaper
(c) Eating sweets when no one is looking
(d) Lying awake during the sanctioned naptimes

15. Why can’t the door to the nursery be opened?
(a) The handle is broken
(b) It is locked and there is no key
(c) It is stuck
(d) The narrator has the key and will not unlock it.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the narrator stop looking out the windows?

2. What is the illness that the narrator is suffering from?

3. In the first section, why does the protagonist’s narration suddenly end?

4. John thinks the narrator is getting _________ when he talks to her in the night.

5. Who comes to the door when the narrator is creeping along the wall?

(see the answer keys)

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