The Yellow House Test | Final Test - Medium

Sarah M. Broom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Yellow House Test | Final Test - Medium

Sarah M. Broom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what suite did the author stay during the Tales of the Cocktail event described in Movement III: Part VII?
(a) The Jefferson Davis Suite.
(b) The Rose Suite.
(c) The St. Edward Suite.
(d) The Vieux Carre Suite.

2. Who is Karen's youngest child?
(a) Michelle.
(b) Amanda.
(c) Sarah.
(d) Brittany.

3. What date opens Movement III: Part I?
(a) August 27, 2005.
(b) August 12, 2009.
(c) June 11, 2006.
(d) May 15, 2005.

4. Where did Lynette leave to study at in 1993?
(a) New York University.
(b) Columbia University.
(c) The University of California, Berkeley.
(d) Pratt Institute of Technology.

5. Who taught gym and history at Sarah's new school in ninth grade?
(a) Mr. Casson.
(b) Mr. Craig.
(c) Mr. Ryde.
(d) Mr. Chris.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did construction begin on the Cabildo Building begin, as described by the author in Movement IV: Part III?

2. What job had Herman found when the author visited family in Vacaville in Movement IV: Part I?

3. How tall is the author?

4. In what subdivision is the author's grandmother's house located in St. Rose?

5. Where was Brittany studying biology when the author visited her in Movement IV: Part I?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where was Carl when Hurricane Katrina hit? How did he survive?

2. In what ways did Sarah guard the house in 1994?

3. How did the author begin getting into trouble in seventh grade?

4. Who ended up coming to stay with Byron in Vacaville after Katrina?

5. Why did the author end her friendship with Tiffany Cage?

6. Where did the author attend high school? How did she fit in here?

7. What did Ivory Mae do when the family went to see the Yellow House after Katrina in Movement III: Part V?

8. What did the author's mother do when she discovered Sarah had been skipping school?

9. How did the author perform academically in high school?

10. How is Carl's home described in Movement IV: Part IV?

(see the answer keys)

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