The Yellow Birds Test | Final Test - Medium

Kevin Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Yellow Birds Test | Final Test - Medium

Kevin Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What decorations did Bartle have in his apartment in Chapter 9?
(a) Pictures from his childhood.
(b) Corkboard with photos from high school.
(c) Medals and a picture of Murph.
(d) Christmas lights.

2. What injuries were there from the blast in the city in Chapter 6?
(a) Bruised ligaments.
(b) Broken eardrums.
(c) Temporary blindness.
(d) Broken bones.

3. In Chapter 8, where did Sterling say that Murph had been spending his time?
(a) FOB.
(b) Hajji market.
(c) DFAC.
(d) Medics's station.

4. In Chapter 7, in what type of tree did Bartle find his initials carved?
(a) Birch.
(b) Sugar maple.
(c) Chestnut oak.
(d) Chestnut.

5. In Chapter 6, what was in the middle of a bridge when Bartle and the other soldiers were going through the city?
(a) Several bodies.
(b) Dead dog.
(c) Decapitated body.
(d) Dead baby.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was a beggar found dead in Chapter 10?

2. After the battle for the orchard, what bird did Bartle hear when he and the other soldiers moved on?

3. What color car did the captain from C.I.D. drive in Chapter 9?

4. What was Bartle wearing when the captain from C.I.D. came to see him?

5. Where was Bartle living at the beginning of Chapter 9?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 7, what did Bartle remember Murph telling him about some canaries?

2. How did Bartle describe the location of his mother's house?

3. What did Bartle spend a great deal of time trying to identify when he noticed changes in Murph in Chapter 8?

4. What was Bartle doing at the beginning of Chapter 7?

5. In Chapter 9, how would Bartle spend his mornings?

6. Why did Sterling think that Murph was a dead man in Chapter 8?

7. In Chapter 7, why did Bartle join the army?

8. What did Sterling and Bartle do with Murph's body?

9. In Chapter 6, why did the lieutenant stop when he saw a body on the bridge in the city?

10. In Chapter 8, what happened when a major came to Bartle's platoon area?

(see the answer keys)

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