The Yellow Birds Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Kevin Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Yellow Birds Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Kevin Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 9.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 4, where did a colonel say that men would be sent if they died in the upcoming battle?
(a) Ramsted.
(b) United Kingdom.
(c) Dover.
(d) Germany.

2. In Chapter 6 as Bartle went through the empty city with the other soldiers, who was the only one around?
(a) Old man.
(b) Little girl.
(c) Teenage boy.
(d) Old woman.

3. Who was driving a car in Chapter 1, whose occupants were killed by Sterling and the other soldiers?
(a) Old man and woman.
(b) Old woman and a child.
(c) Old man and a child.
(d) 3 men.

4. What bird did Bartle hear as Captain Anderson questioned him in Chapter 9?
(a) Robin.
(b) Whip-poor-will.
(c) Sparrow.
(d) Blue jay.

5. On the plane to Richmond in Chapter 5, what did Bartle dream about?
(a) His girlfriend.
(b) Murph.
(c) Wood planks on his mother's porch.
(d) His room at his mother's house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Bartle get free on the plane to Richmond in Chapter 5?

2. What did Sterling find at the end of Chapter 4?

3. In Chapter 4 after the colonel's speech, what percent security did the LT say the troops would be on?

4. What time of day was it at the end of Chapter 8, after Bartle helped carry a female medic's body to the other medics?

5. What was Bartle wearing when the captain from C.I.D. came to see him?

(see the answer key)

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