The Yellow Admiral Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Yellow Admiral Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 4, pgs. 82-94.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After breakfast in Chapter 3, Stephen goes to the coach house to talk with whom?
(a) Diana Maturin.
(b) Padeen Colman.
(c) Jack Aubrey.
(d) Bondon.

2. What medical doctor and the adviser on Spanish affairs has disappeared in Chapter 1?
(a) Stephen Maturin.
(b) Stephen Maturin.
(c) William Reade.
(d) Sir Joseph Blaine.

3. Maturin had served as the surgeon on what ship with Aubrey in his crusade against slavery?
(a) Bellona.
(b) Doris.
(c) Queen Charlotte.
(d) Monmouth.

4. What is a city on the western coast of France which the English are blockading during the war?
(a) Brest.
(b) Janneyrias.
(c) Nanterre.
(d) Paris.

5. Who is going to Ireland and is leaving the horse and carriage with the Aubreys in Chapter 2?
(a) Mrs. Clarissa Oakes.
(b) Mr. Cholmondeley.
(c) Stephen Maturin.
(d) Sir Joseph Blaine.

Short Answer Questions

1. The man who gives Jack and Stephen directions for an inn in Chapter 4 claims to recognize Stephen from where?

2. Who scores a knockout in the boxing fight in Chapter 3?

3. Who is Jack's neighbor at Woolcombe?

4. Many of Jack's wealthy neighbors plan to enclose the common land of what?

5. Jack and Stephen sail to Ushant on what ship?

(see the answer key)

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