The Wrong End of the Telescope Test | Final Test - Medium

Rabih Alameddine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wrong End of the Telescope Test | Final Test - Medium

Rabih Alameddine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mina's mother say to her after the car accident?
(a) She is moving out of the house.
(b) She will take her for ice cream.
(c) Refuses to go to the hospital.
(d) Tells Mina it was her fault.

2. What do Mazen and Mina use as children to form their blood pact?
(a) A pin from a thistle flower.
(b) An axe.
(c) A fork.
(d) A knife.

3. How do Francine and Mina first meet Lubna?
(a) When she becomes their neighbor.
(b) When she marries their friend Syl.
(c) When she starts working with them.
(d) When she finds them at a book launch.

4. Why does Emma ask the two journalists to leave in Part III?
(a) They asked for money for their interviews.
(b) They have upset everyone, especially Mazen.
(c) They did not speak any Arabic so could not understand anything.
(d) They got very sick and were a threat to the health of the camp.

5. What kind of car did Mina want to buy?
(a) A Maserati.
(b) A Toyota.
(c) A Corvette.
(d) A Jaguar.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sumaiya say she likes about Mina's appearance in Part III?

2. Why does Mazen admit he got so mad at the journalists in Part III?

3. What is the first sentence Mina writes in her correspondence to Mazen to help repair their relationship in Part III?

4. What does the old woman in Part IV from Deir ez-Zor tell Mazen?

5. Who does Mina wait for in the hotel in the chapter titled "How to Rob an Armenian Jewelry Store"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the scent of cardamom mean to Mina and the writer?

2. What does Mina really think of the man who says he worked for a jewler?

3. What is the relationship between Sammy and Sumaiya like?

4. What does Mina think of George W. Bush's post-9/11 speech?

5. Why does Sammy tell the journalists they finally left Syria?

6. What can Mina not help thinking about women from Deir-ez-Zor?

7. What happens in Cologne on New Year's Eve that impacts Europe's attitudes towards refugees?

8. What destroys the writer's family home in Lebanon eventually?

9. How does Mina's and Mazen's blood pact work?

10. Who is Sumaiya most worried about in her family for after she dies?

(see the answer keys)

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