The Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Airplane Test | Final Test - Easy

Russell Freedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Airplane Test | Final Test - Easy

Russell Freedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did people around Huffman Prairie begin to take notice of in late 1905?
(a) Military officials coming and going.
(b) Flying saucers.
(c) Large planes flying overhead.
(d) Strange accidents.

2. When did the Wright brothers start working at Huffman Prairie?
(a) Spring 1903.
(b) Spring 1904.
(c) Spring 1905.
(d) Spring 1906.

3. How far did Wilbur travel during his 39-minute fight?
(a) 24.5 miles.
(b) 14.5 miles.
(c) 44.5 miles.
(d) 34.5 miles.

4. What would need to be done to solve the problem of the awry flights?
(a) Have wheels instead of skids for landing.
(b) Make the tail movable.
(c) Make the wind lighter.
(d) Put the pilot on the top wing.

5. What was the contract between the U.S. Signal Corp and the Wright brothers for?
(a) A 10-man plane.
(b) A 4-man plane.
(c) A 2-man plane.
(d) A 20-man plane.

6. What did the 39-minute flight make the Flyer III?
(a) The first airplane to cross a field.
(b) The first commercial airplane.
(c) The first cargo airplane.
(d) The first practical airplane.

7. What happened during the two times reporters came to see the Wright brothers fly?
(a) The journalist asked for a free tour to write a story.
(b) The plane crash.
(c) One of the journalists was killed.
(d) The plane did not take off.

8. Why would the Wright brothers have a clear conscience?
(a) They tried to sell it to the U.S. government first.
(b) They sold 200 to the U.S. Army.
(c) They patented the plane.
(d) They sold a license to the U.S. Army.

9. What did the Wright brothers decide to do about the data concerning flight?
(a) Only rely on unprocessed data.
(b) Only rely on older data.
(c) To only rely on their own data.
(d) Only rely on the latest.

10. How many flights did Wilbur make in Camp D'Auvours?
(a) Over 25.
(b) Over 500.
(c) Over 1000.
(d) Over 100.

11. Why was the testing of the Wrights' new glider postponed from August to September?
(a) They had to wait for good weather.
(b) They had to rebuild their shelter.
(c) They had to wait for the glider.
(d) They had to assemble the glider.

12. What did the plane motor have to be?
(a) Heavy to avoid vibration problems.
(b) Powerful.
(c) Light and powerful.
(d) As light as possible.

13. Where was the new motorized glider assembled?
(a) In Maine.
(b) Kill Devil Hills.
(c) In Ohio.
(d) Boston.

14. How many of the Wrights' flights went awry with their largest glider?
(a) 1 in 50.
(b) 5 in 50.
(c) 1 in 500.
(d) 1 in 25.

15. How many times was Wilbur able to circle the Huffman prairie on November 9th?
(a) Twice.
(b) 8 times.
(c) 10 times.
(d) 4 times.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the Wright brothers realize concerning the data they had in Chapter 5?

2. How long after Lilienthal's fatal accident did the Wright brothers fly?

3. How far was the plane for the U.S. Signal Corp made by the Wright brothers supposed to fly?

4. What did Bishop Wright write after receiving the telegram from his sons in Chapter 7?

5. Who witnessed Wilbur's first flight with the flyer?

(see the answer keys)

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