The Wretched of the Earth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wretched of the Earth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Fanon argues that the national unity may disintegrate into what type of conflicts?
(a) Gender
(b) Workplace
(c) Religious
(d) Family

2. What does the middle class seek at any cost to avoid?
(a) Wealth
(b) Risks
(c) Exploitation
(d) Injustice

3. The colonial power treats the natives as what?
(a) Sons
(b) Savages
(c) Employers
(d) Royalty

4. In the third phase of the rediscovery of native culture, the native artists attempts to do what?
(a) Have others abandon the native culture
(b) Emmigrate from the country
(c) Rouse others to fight the enemy
(d) Use the colonial culture

5. How should the post-colonial nation avoid the open hostility between the masses and those in power?
(a) Supress the masses
(b) Leave the colonial power in control
(c) Bypass the rise of the bourgeoisie
(d) Give the power to the bourgeoisie

6. Which of the following is a former French colony?
(a) Senegal
(b) South Africa
(c) Australia
(d) Congo

7. American blacks discovered that culture is what type of phenomenon?
(a) National
(b) Individual
(c) Global
(d) Continental

8. The conflicts in the country may cause the manifestations of what?
(a) Individualism
(b) Pacifism
(c) Modernization
(d) Racial discrimination

9. Why does Fanon believe that they should live in this location?
(a) To give in to the colonialists
(b) To make the most money
(c) To protect themselves
(d) To stay in touch with the people

10. Colonialism's practice of putting all black people into a single category attempts to extinguish what?
(a) Their repression
(b) Their individuality
(c) Their hope
(d) Their country

11. The post-colonial middle class begins to act as what?
(a) Soldiers
(b) Tourist guides
(c) Revolutionary leaders
(d) TV personalities

12. The authentic artists who wants to create something for his countrymen learns the importance of what?
(a) Dependence
(b) Individualism
(c) Collaboration
(d) Wealth

13. The post-colonial middle class has no understanding of what?
(a) Social movements
(b) Economics
(c) Culture
(d) Violence

14. Fanon suggests that the post-colonial government needs to be most concerned with what?
(a) Perpetuating the nation
(b) The empowerment of its citizens
(c) Reducing crime
(d) Its own profit

15. Although former colonies have a potential unity, they also have what?
(a) Distinct types of exploitation
(b) Distinct social problems
(c) Distinct identities apart from colonialism
(d) Distinct views on colonialism

Short Answer Questions

1. The search for an authentic Arab identify found its political articulation in what?

2. The resuscitation of the native culture helps to rekindle what?

3. The farm workers come to know the value of what?

4. Fanon argues that the post-colonial middle class identifies too closely with what group?

5. The colonial middle class lacks what?

(see the answer keys)

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